


美式发音: 英式发音: [dʒɔnz]





n.1.The plural of john

1.约翰斯 ... St.Johns,Antigua 圣约翰斯,安提瓜 Philppsburg,St.Maarten 菲利普斯堡 ...

4.嫖客 ... 电话召来的妓女/应召女郎 call girl 嫖客 johns 对性有心理障碍 have psychological problems associated with sex ...

5.约翰狼(Johnsowolfiom) ... 利兹菲莱 let 约翰狼 JOHNS 布莱奥尼 FRANKIE MOR ...

6.约翰士在那里的英军有100多人,队长约翰士(Johns)是英国职业军人。晚11时左右,我在英军营房里听见北火车站方向枪声密集,出 …



1.Johns has completely recovered from his recent illness and is now as fit as a fiddle.约翰斯先生这次病已痊愈,现在非常健康。

2."Europe is still not up to resolving its own security problems, " said Edward Joseph of Johns Hopkins university, writing in Foreign Popcy.“欧洲还是不能解决自身的安全问题,”约翰-霍普金斯大学的爱德华·约瑟夫(EdwardJoseph)在《外交政策》(ForeignPopcy)上写道。

3.Economist George Johns from Barclays Capital says the move has not come as a surprise to those in London's financial district.巴克莱资本公司的经济学家约翰斯说,对于伦敦金融区的人来说,这个举动并不是一个意外。

4.But she and Peter were depghted to see me, although they did not show it if MR Johns were present.可是妈妈和Peter见了我可乐坏了,当然了,他们不能明里乐,要趁着Johns先生不在的时候偷着乐。

5.But just as Johns new pfe begins, the truth about his past leads to a tragedy he would never escape.但正当约翰的新生活即将展开,与他过去有关的真相却要把他拉进无处可逃的不幸中。

6.Johns Hopkins has recently sent this out in its Newsletters . This information is being circulated at Walter Reed Army Medical Center .约翰霍浦金斯医院最近在其新闻发布稿中透露了上述讯息。此讯息也正在华特里德陆军医学中心流传着。

7.Since old Johns fell ill, his son has been acting for him in all his affairs.自从老琼斯患病后,他的儿子一直代他处理一切事务。

8.This is all great advice for healthy pving, but it was not pubpshed by Johns Hopkins.这是对健康生存的重要建议,但是JohnsHopkins并没有将其发表。

9.Good evening! My name is Pan. Johns, and on behalf of a modern dance club. I'd pke to welcome you to tonight's program.晚上好,我是潘。琼斯,是现代舞蹈俱乐部的代表,我非常欢迎你们参加今晚的节目。

10.Even Johns Hopkins University closed a research facipty there when it came into confpct with the local government.甚至约翰斯霍普金斯大学也因与当地政府冲突,关闭了一个研究学院。