




1.黄鹤楼 B:Sorry,I can’t. 不好意思,不行。 P:The Yellow Crane Tower. 黄鹤楼。 P:Yes,I’m. 是,我是。 ...


1.Once an immortal flew away by a yellow crane here. Today, the Yellow Crane Tower is only a name.从前的仙人已经骑着黄鹤飞走了,这里空留下一座黄鹤楼。

2.This is because the Yellow Crane Tower is no longer a general sense of the famous building, which reflects the rise and fall of an era.这是因为黄鹤楼已经不是一般意义上的名胜建筑,它反映了一个时代的兴衰。

3.And CuiHao poets in tang dynasty, the poem "yesterday has HuangHe to spare, and here by the yellow crane tower, known as" the song.而唐代诗人崔颢的诗句“昔人已乘黄鹤去,此地空余黄鹤楼”,更被誉为千古绝唱。

4.The Yellow Crane Tower stood on the Yellow Crane cpff at the west side of Wuchang in Hubei province, overlooking the Yangtze River.“黄鹤楼”原址在湖北武昌西边的黄鹤矶上,下面就是长江。

5.The first one must be the Yellow Crane Tower, on the top of which you can appreciate a broad view of Wuhan.那首先肯定是黄鹤楼了,你可以在顶楼观赏武汉美丽的全景。

6."The yellow crane tower enjoy high reputation, JueJing" called "world jiangshan first floor" .黄鹤楼享有“天下绝景”的盛誉,被称为“天下江山第一楼”。

7.The visiting guests were escorted to the Yellow Crane Tower last Sunday.上星期天,来访的客人和陪同人员一起参观了黄鹤楼。

8.Saw a "Spring" word clock and the restoration of the Yellow Crane Tower.看到了一个“春”字的钟和重修的黄鹤楼。

9.They Poetic, Yueyang Tower and the Yellow Crane Tower.他们是滕王阁,岳阳楼和黄鹤楼。

10.The view of the city from the Yellow Crane Tower is great.黄鹤楼上的景色真好。