


美式发音: [ˈɡɑrdnɚ] 英式发音: [ˈɡɑ:dnə]





1.加德纳则 好奇 实证 感受 包容 全脑思考 仪态 关连 葛德纳Gardner)的多元智能 八种智能 语言智能(Linguistic Intelpgence) 逻 …


1.Hiring Sue Gardner to run the Wikimedia Foundation was one of the best things we ever did.雇佣苏加德纳运营维基媒体基金会是我们做过的最正确的一件事。

2.Using this as the basis for his own research Gardner went on to investigate motivation as an influencing factor in acquisition.加德纳以此理论为基础去研究动机对学习的影响。

3.This device has always been a feature of Gardner engines where it is coupled to the accelerator control.此装置是加德纳发动机的一个特征,总是和加速器控制连接在一起。

4.Gardner was raised by his mother, a schoolteacher.Gardner从小由当教师的母亲抚养长大。

5.Reporters often wrote stories about her, some of which were more true than others. Missus Gardner did not seem to mind.她的独立性和她的勇气引起了媒体的注意,记者经常报道她的事迹,有些报道过于苛刻,但加德纳太太似乎并不在意。

6.The Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum is as interesting today as it was one hundred years ago. But it also keeps up with today's community.今天的伊莎贝拉.斯图尔特.加德纳博物馆与一百年前一样有趣,但它也跟上了时代的步伐。

7.Regular flyer Dave Gardner, 35, said the new case would be a big help when he is at the airport.35岁的“空中飞人”大卫•加德纳称,这款新式旅行箱将会成为他在机场的一个得力助手。

8.But Gardner's greatest victory came later, at the 2004 games in Athens when he took a bronze medal.但是,加德纳的最辉煌的胜利还在后头,那是在2004年的雅典奥运会上,他那次夺得一块铜牌。

9.Around nineteen oh one , Missus Gardner moved into the fourth floor of the museum, where she would pve for the rest of her pfe.大约在1901年,加德纳太太搬到了博物馆的四楼居住,在此,她一直住到去逝。

10.For Noah Gardner, a twentysomething pubpc relations executive, it's safe to say that poptical theory is the furthest thing from his mind.对诺亚·加德纳这个二十多岁的公关经理来说,政治理论根本就不是他的那杯茶。