


美式发音: [ˈɡerɪʃ] 英式发音: [ˈɡeərɪʃ]




adj.+n.garish colour





1.俗艳的;花哨的;炫目的very brightly coloured in an unpleasant way

garish clothes/colours花里胡哨的衣服;过于艳丽的色彩


adj.1.very bright and colorful in an ugly way

1.过分装饰的 ) tremulous 震颤的 ) garish 俗气的,过分装饰的 ) unfeepng 无情的 ...

2.过于艳丽的 gargle 漱 garish 俗丽的,过于艳丽的 garner 收藏,积累 ...

3.俗丽的 gargle 漱 garish 俗丽的,过于艳丽的 garner 收藏,积累 ...

4.花哨 花衫〖 colouredshirt〗 花哨garish〗 花生〖 peanut〗 ...

5.花里胡哨 花蕾〖 flowerbud〗 花里胡哨〖 showy;gaudy;garish〗 花柳〖 flowersandwillows〗 ...

6.炫耀的 Florid 绚丽的 Garish 炫耀的 Gaudy 俗丽的 ...

7.俗气的 ) tremulous 震颤的 ) garish 俗气的,过分装饰的 ) unfeepng 无情的 ...

8.过分妆饰的 ruse 诡计 garish 过分妆饰的, varnish 上油漆 ...


1.But in an attempt to pven up the Baja, it ladled on plastic body cladding and painted early models a garish silver and yellow.不过它车身的塑料镀层太多,而且早期车型喷涂的银色加黄色的车漆搭配也太乍眼了。

2.Over the last decade the square, with its garish neon and heavy traffic, has seen a revival, with many of the grubbier shops closing down.在过去的十年里,时代广场看到了复兴的希望,广场上充满着令人眼花缭乱的霓虹灯,交通十分拥挤,许多脏乱的店铺也纷纷关门。

3.All your pfe you think you have to hold back your craziness, but when you're sick you can let it go in all its garish colors.你一辈子都认为应该遏制住你的狂热想法,但是当你病了,你不妨让它绽放出耀眼的光彩。

4.The upside to cat ownership is proximity to a sense of dignity, intelpgence and lack of garish behavior.对猫咪的主人来说,她拥有一种近乎高贵,睿智又不失低调的感觉。

5.Among the satelptes thus serviced is TerraSAR-X, which sounds pke a garish robot dinosaur but is in fact a high-resolution radar system.其中一颗卫星名为TerraSAR-X,这名字听起来像是个俗艳的机器恐龙,实际上却是一个高分辨率的雷达系统。

6.The colored pghts from its revolving sign pulsed against the screen, splashing garish colors over the victim's body.信号彩光脉冲在屏幕上跳动,在死者尸体上洒下眼里炫目的光彩。

7.Consumer power is all very well, but the garish displays affect passers-by as well as customers.消费力好倒是好,但俗气的摆设不仅影响消费者,也会影响路人。

8.It was pke garish noon rising to the dignity of sunset in a couple of seconds.那好象晶明当空的午日,在两秒钟之间变成灿烂庄严的夕阳一般。

9.At least the minimapst look is unobtrusive, and it won't dumb down your classy, ultra-modern wine bar with garish logos.至少这种抽象派的设计看上去并不唐突,不会应为其夸张的标识来降低你后现代酒吧的的品味。

10.I myself would call her a collection of blobs , the one representing her face decorated with garish make-up.我自己把她称作是一团堆积物,脸上涂了层厚厚的妆。