


美式发音: ['gæstə] 英式发音: ['gæstə]





1.胃 肺静脉 - Pulmonary veins - Gaster 背阔肌 - Musculus latissimus dorsi ...

2.法莫替丁 ... ganoin ① 闪光质②硬鳞质 gaster ① 胃②腹部③柄后腹(蚁) gastropore ① …

4.盖舒泰注射剂 ... 特泌胰锭 DIABINESE 盖舒泰注射剂 GASTER 盖舒泰 GASTER-D ...

5.腹部 ... ganoin ① 闪光质②硬鳞质 gaster ① 胃②腹部③柄后腹(蚁) gastropore ① …

6.锤腹腹部所余各节合并成为锤腹gaster)。锤腹的末端除了肛门(anus)及生殖孔(genital opening)之外,职蚁和蚁后还特备有 …

7.高舒达法莫替丁 CAS76824-35-6 别名噻唑咪胺,高舒达Gaster),Pepcid。通常用其盐酸盐,即盐酸法莫替丁(Famotidine Hydro…


1."Swifter, Higher, Stronger" is the Olympic motto. it means hat every athlete should try to run gaster, jump higher and throw farther.“更快,更高,更强”是奥林匹克运动会的座右铭,即每个运动有都应该跑的更快,跳得更高,扔得更远。

2.As the right eye from a rock, "eye" into the hole, feel a cool breeze, visitors to this, everyone relaxed and happy, whole body Gaster.从象眼岩的右“眼”进入洞中,顿觉凉风习习,游人到此,莫不心旷神怡,周身舒泰。

3.C. atratus stretches its legs out, raises them, and then lowers its "gaster, " the posterior body segment: the butt.atratus伸展它们的腿提高,然后降低其“柄后腹,”身体后段,即尾部。

4.Apppcation well be shutdown because of unexpected program error please send these errors to SOFMAX Gaster.就是显示上面这段话,说应用以及因意外关机的程序错误。

5.And how did Lady Gaster's party go?那盖氏夫人的宴会又是何种情形?

6.Coexist of neurotransmitters and relationships between them in gaster and intestine消化道内递质的共存及递质间的相互关系

7.Comparative Study of Three Different Chemotherapies for Advanced Gaster Adenocarcinoma三组不同的联合化疗方案治疗晚期胃腺癌病例的比较

8.Progress of Study on the Relationship of EGFR and its Signal Transduction Ways and Recovery of Gaster Mucosa Wound表皮生长因子受体及其信号转导通路与胃粘膜损伤修复研究

9.Discussion on Seven Cases Involving Hernia of Esophageal Hiatus Amalgamated with Thoracic Cavity Gaster食管裂孔疝胸腔胃七例分析

10.Particular diagnostic value of transabdomen B-ultrasound in mapgnant tumors of lower esophagus and gaster经腹壁B超在食管下段及胃恶性肿瘤诊断中的独到价值