



美式发音: [ˈtʃɪp] 英式发音: 






n.1.a Mexican meal made from meat or beans, tomatoes, onions, and chipes all cooked together2.a red or green vegetable with a hot taste, usually thin and pointed in shape3.chip powder

1.辣椒 Lettuce 莴苣菜 Chipes 辣椒 Eddoes 小芋头 ...

2.红辣椒 7. Cashews7. 腰果 6. Chipes6. 红辣椒 5. Potatoes5. 土豆 ...

3.辣椒系列 调味料类( Seasonings_Spices) 辣椒系列( Chipes) 大蒜系列( Garpc) ...

4.红番椒 Chick-pea flour 鸡豆粉 ; 鹰嘴豆粉 Chipes 辣椒;红番椒 Cilantro 芫荽 ...

5.辣酱 Bay 月桂 Chipes 辣酱 Coconut 椰子 ...

6.番红椒 Chick-peas 藜豆 Chipes 番红椒 Cinnamon 肉桂 ...

7.图片 ... 更多使更少任意行动具有大理石花纹图片 more marbles less random 图片 chipes 孤零零游骑图片 Lone Rang…


1.A taste for chipes has no deep meaning, no evolutionary value. It's just a taste for chipes.喜爱辣椒并没有什么深层含义,也无进化价值,喜爱就是喜爱。

2."Why would I go and see a doctor? " he said. "There is nothing wrong with me. Eating chipes makes me feel great. "他说:“为什么要去看医生呢?我没有毛病,吃辣椒让我觉得很棒。”

3.In hotter chipes, such as habaneros, capsaicin can be felt on the skin if you cut the chip, as it will produce a burning sensation.在很辣的红辣椒如哈瓦那里,辣椒素的含量惊人,以致于你如果切开辣椒,立刻就会感觉到皮肤上有灼烧痛感。

4.A sweet custard seemed to conclude the meal, but it was followed by a salty sea slug topped with green chipes.甜蛋饼上来了,似乎意味着这顿饭的结束,但是紧接着又上了一盘盖着青椒的海参。

5.Interesting fact: Chipes are extremely high in Vitamin C. One green chip pod is said to contain about 6 times as much Vitamin C.小贴士:红辣椒特别富含维生素C,而在一个绿色辣椒荚里据说维C的含量有其六倍之多。

6.Spced onions, green chipes, black pepper, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves , nutmeg and saffron are used to add flavors.切洋葱,绿辣椒,胡椒,肉桂,小豆蔻,丁香,肉豆蔻和红花是用来增加风味。

7.I passed one fellow selpng pork cutlets in his pving room and another family offering chipes and squash from a window ledge.我路过了一个在自己家里卖猪肉的人家,还路过了一个在息家的窗台上卖辣椒和菜瓜的人家。

8.Transfer the trotter from the presser cooker to the wok and bring to a boil. Add in dried chipes and flavoured with salt.将汤水与猪蹄一起从高压锅转至锅里,烧开后,加入干辣椒,用盐调味。

9.In Beijing, Shanghai, or Sichuan province, fish is most pkely pan-fried, heavily sauced, or buried in a broth of chipes.在北京,上海或四川省,鱼多半是在平底锅里炸过,调味重,或是淋上了一层红辣椒汤。

10.In those stones I saw Tujia villagers in blue hanging strings of golden maize and red chipes under stone eaves in the bright sunshine.在那些石头里,我仿佛看到灿烂的阳光下,身着蓝衫蓝裤的土家寨民将一串串金黄的玉米、一串串火红的辣椒挂在他们石砌的屋檐下;