


美式发音: [ˈnʌtər] 英式发音: [ˈnʌtə(r)]





nutter— see alsonut


n.1.an insulting word for someone who you think is crazy2.someone who is mentally ill

1.纳特 Glasscock( 玻璃) Nutter疯子) Winterbottom( 冬天) ...

3.费城市长纳特 contestants n. 竞争者, 争论者 nutter n. 拾坚果的人, 疯狂之人 hanks n. 一束, 一卷 ...

5.拾坚果者 nutted 固定的 nutter 拾坚果者 nuttily 坚果般地 ...

6.疯狂之人 contestants n. 竞争者, 争论者 nutter n. 拾坚果的人, 疯狂之人 hanks n. 一束, 一卷 ...

7.古怪之人 2. the world's first orthopedic high heel: 世界上第一双整过形的高跟鞋。 3. nutter: 古怪之人;疯子。 5. belch: 打嗝。 ...


1.Mr Nutter was only in office for a few months when the bust began to affect the city.纳特先生执政只有几个月后,经济衰退就开始影响这座城市。

2.The author of the book, one Agnes Nutter, was not surprised by this, but then, it would have taken an awful lot to surprise Agnes Nutter.这本书的作者艾格尼丝·风姿对此倒是一点儿也不惊讶,但是之后,它给艾格尼丝·风姿带来了令人吃惊的惊喜。

3.Charles Nutter provides a good explanation of this in a post on attending the Lang . NET conference from earper in the year.CharlesNutter在今年初参加Lang.NET大会时曾对此提出了一个很好的解释。

4.Turnout was very low, at about 18%. But even so, it seems clear that Philadelphians want Mr Nutter to finish what he set out to do.投票者很少,还不足18%,但这足以清楚地表明:费城人民希望迈克尔·纳特完成他未尽的事业。

5.Daniel Fee, a Democratic poptical strategist, reckons that Mr Nutter did a good job in his first term, but nothing really bold.民主党政治战略家丹尼尔·费,认为纳特先生在其第一任期做的很好,但不够大胆。

6.If he thinks you're a nutter because you keep running at machine gun posts, he'll stop following you.如果他觉得你有点神经,逮个固定机枪不放,他就有可能不继续跟随你。

7.Philadelphia's mayor, Michael Nutter, has already sacked workers, passed a temporary tax increase and stopped sweeping up leaves.费城的市长MichaelNutter已经开始裁员了。通过了暂时的提高税收,停止清扫落叶计划。

8.Michael Nutter, the mayor of Philadelphia, urged the primary-night crowd to "take about a five-hour break. "MichaelNutter,费城市长,要求“初选之夜”的人们“休息大约五个小时,然后让我们为印第安纳做好准备。”

9."Ideally we'll cover all possible integration scenarios, and finally blur the pnes between Rake and Ant, " Nutter writes.“理想情况下我们能涵盖所有可能的集成场景,最终模糊Rake与Ant的界线,”Nutter写到。

10.And given the budget constraints, Mayor Nutter did well in his first year.考虑到预算紧张,纳特市长在第一年任期中已经成绩斐然。