



美式发音: [pn] 英式发音: [pːn]





第三人称单数:leans  现在分词:leaning  过去式:leaned  比较级:leaner  最高级:leanest  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.lean meat


v.bend,bend over,bend forward,rest,prop




1.[i](+ adv./prep.)前俯(或后仰);倾斜to bend or move from a vertical position

I leaned back in my chair.我仰靠在椅背上。

The tower is leaning dangerously.那座塔倾斜了,很危险。

A man was leaning out of the window.一个人正探身窗外。

2.[i]倚靠;靠在;靠置to rest on or against sth for support

A shovel was leaning against the wall.一把铁铲靠墙放着。

She walked slowly, leaning on her son's arm.她倚靠着她儿子的手臂缓慢行走。

3.[t]~ sth against/on sth使斜靠to make sth rest against sth in a sloping position

Can I lean my bike against the wall?我能把自行车靠在这墙上吗?


1.肉少的;瘦且健康的without much flesh; thin and fit

a lean, muscular body清瘦而肌肉发达的身体

He was tall, lean and handsome.他长得瘦高而英俊。

2.脂肪少的;无脂肪的containing pttle or no fat

3.[ubn]难以赚钱的;生产不出(食物等)的;贫乏的difficult and not producing much money, food, etc.

a lean period/spell不景气时期

The company recovered well after going through several lean years .经历了几年的萧条后,这家公司的业务完全恢复了正常。

4.精干的;效率高的strong and efficient because the number of employees has been reduced

The changes made the company leaner and more competitive.改革使公司更精干,更有竞争力。


1.[u]瘦肉the part of meat that has pttle or no fat




adj.1.thin and looking physically fit and healthy2.lean meat has very pttle fat in it3.a lean business spends as pttle money and employs as few workers as possible so that it will make a good profit4.a lean period of time is very difficult to pve in because many people lack money or other necessary things5.a lean crop, harvest, etc. is very small1.thin and looking physically fit and healthy2.lean meat has very pttle fat in it3.a lean business spends as pttle money and employs as few workers as possible so that it will make a good profit4.a lean period of time is very difficult to pve in because many people lack money or other necessary things5.a lean crop, harvest, etc. is very small

v.1.to move your body so it is closer to or farther from someone or something, for example by bending at the waist2.to stand or be set at an angle against something for support instead of being upright; to put something at an angle against something for support3.to tend to choose or support something

1.倾斜投篮 11,runner/floater 跑投 12,leaner 倾斜投篮 13,straight layup 直接上篮 ...

2.蟠根植物 "叶脉落"," Leaf-venation" "蟠根植物"," Leaner" "醋化人造丝制造法"," Lederer process" ...

3.精简 leaner[ 精简] sacked[ (因过)解职] ...

4.清洗液 恒重 standing weight 清洗液 leaner 混浊液 dirty soulution ...

5.瘦这比例就麻烦大了。所以说模型比JB更高有误导之嫌(本来模型就该比真人高);说更LEANER)也不够准确,JB在海 …

6.精简的 hybrid fuel vehicles 燃油混合型汽车 leaner 精简的 top Iraqi government security spokesman 伊拉克国家安全部高层发言人 ...

7.学习不解的是,单身囚禁使我平静下来,变得更坚强了。” 学习(Leaner)   你热爱学习。


1.This might not matter if it were simply a question of making banks leaner.假若这只是一个为银行“瘦身”的问题,那么这或许无关紧要。

2.The best way out of stagnation, Americans counseled, was to let weak companies die, freeing up capital for a new crop of leaner entrants.美国人建议,摆脱滞涨的最好的方式就是让弱势公司死去,为一批更加轻盈的进入者释放出他们所需的资本。

3.In general? the leaner the meat? the better - and wild game tends to be the leanest.一般来说,肉越瘦越好,而野味一般都很瘦。

4.Cabbage was always a depressing reminder of the leaner years of my childhood.卷心菜往往使我沮丧地回忆起我孩提时代那些缺吃少穿的年头。

5.The overhaul is part of a drive by Mr. Whitacre to accelerate decision-making and turn GM into a leaner, nimbler company.这是惠塔克加快决策过程、把通用汽车转变成为一个更加精简灵活的公司的行动之一。

6.But the smaller, leaner G. M. of today is no more than a middle-of-the-pack company in terms of sales and revenue.但是今天“更小更瘦”的通用在销售量及收益上只相当于一个中型企业。

7.But then producers began to shift strategy, moving away from extravaganzas towards leaner musicals and straight plays for grown-ups.但编剧们开始转变战略,从收益较低的音乐剧这种娱乐性节目转向成年人观赏的戏剧。

8.This reflects the uncertain nature of recovery, but it also indicates a move towards leaner business models.这反映了本轮经济复苏的不稳定性本质,但是它也暗示了小规模商业模式的趋势。

9.The sperm with the Y chromosome were leaner and faster and could swim down to the bottom of the tube more efficiently.带有X染色体的精子体型更纤细、游速更高,能够更快地游到试管底部。

10.But the tougher ones will emerge leaner and stronger, and ready to seize the opportunities that a gradual recovery will offer.但那些存活下来的公司将更加强大,更加具有竞争力,而且时刻准备着抓住经济复苏带来的机遇。