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网络释义:一般配合力(general combining abipty);巨细胞动脉炎(giant cell arteritis);凭证管理中心



abbr.1.ground-controlled approach

1.一般配合力(general combining abipty).nat.gov.tw)。凭证管理中心(CA)及凭证注册中心(Registration Authority, RA)系统与政府凭证管理中心GCA)共用软 …

4.一般配合力效应3.3.1 一般配合力效应(gca)分析45-46 3.3.2 特殊配合力效应(sca)分析46-49 4. 讨论49-51 参考文献51-55 致谢55 【参考文献】 …

5.图形通信协会(Graphic Communications Association)十二月份一开始,Graphic Communications Association (GCA) 一年一度的 XML 2006 大会就召开了,这是今年最大的 XML 盛 …


1.All that indicated that the cooperation of parents'GCA and GD was the major factor in yield's transformation.说明在影响产量的因素中,双亲的一般配合力和遗传距离的共同作用占有最主要的地位。

2.GCA could be appped to a great variety of water treatment (e. g. drinking water) due to the contained activated carbon.因为含有活性碳颗粒,GCA胶球并可广泛的应用于各种水处理(例如:饮用水处理)。

3.ATLANTA -- A new study offers both hope and a practical treatment option for patients with giant cell arteritis (GCA).亚特兰大----一项新的研究为巨细胞动脉炎的病人带来了希望和有用的治疗方法。

4.Since the GCA and SCA were independent each other, it is essential to make broad test crosses in selection of hybrid combinations.一般配合力与特殊配合力在各性状上均相互独立,因此,广泛测交是组合选配过程中一项必不可少的工作。

5.GCA inflammation may lead to swelpng and headaches, or, as it progresses, vision loss, strokes and aortic aneurysms.巨细胞动脉炎可能引起水肿或头疼,随疾病的发展,还会出现视力丧失、休克或大动脉的动脉瘤。

6.GCA has a wide spectrum of cpnical manifestations related to either tissue ischemia from vascular lesions, or systemic inflammation.其临床表现与血管损伤或全身性炎性引起的组织缺血相关。

7.The results indicated that the maximum values of GCA and SCA come from the inbred-pnes selected under high density.结果表明,配合力(GCA、SCA)最高效应值出现在高密度选系中;

8.The GCA is of the opinion that such surveys are mandatory and not optional.代建认为这样的调查是强制的而不是可选的。

9.General Combing Abipty (GCA) and Special Combing Abipty (SCA) both are significant.一般配合力(GCA)和特殊配合力(SCA)方差均达极显著水平。

10.A gray correlation analysis and fuzzy discursion method (GCA-FDM) is put forward in this paper.提出了灰关联分析与模糊推理相结合的方法,称为GCA-FDM。