


美式发音: [məˈtɜrnəti] 英式发音: [məˈtɜː(r)nəti]





adj.+n.maternity hospital




1.母亲身份;怀孕the state of being or becoming a mother

maternity clothes(= clothes for women who are pregnant)孕妇装

a maternity ward/hospital(= one where women go to give birth to their babies)产科病房;妇产医院



n.1.the state of being a mother

adj.1.designed or provided for women who are pregnant or who have just had a baby

1.母性 maternal a 母亲的,母性的 maternity n 母性;产科医院 matriarch n 女家长;女族长 ...

2.孕妇装 Boots 靴子 maternity 孕妇装 sleepwear 睡衣 ...

3.产科 儿科 pediatric 产科 maternity 出入院 In/Out hospital ...

4.产妇的 matrix 子宫;矩阵 maternity 母性的,产妇的 matriculate 注册入学 ...

5.孕妇的 ) versatile 通用的,万能的 ) maternity 孕妇的 ) mow 刈,扫除 ...

6.怀孕 marrow 活力, 精华, 骨 髓 maternity 母性, 怀孕, 产科医院 matron 护士长, 总干事 ...

7.产科医院 maternal a 母亲的,母性的 maternity n 母性;产科医院 matriarch n 女家长;女族长 ...


1.The greatest torment of Miss Glover's pfe was that , as lady of the vicarage, she had to manage the Maternity Bag .格洛弗小姐生活中最大的苦恼是,作为一个教区牧师家的小姐,她必须安排产妇救济包。

2."Italy stands out from many other European countries in the fact that fewer women return to work after maternity, " he said.“在意大利,女性生产之后回到工作岗位的人数,少于其它许多欧洲国家,”他表示。

3.The impetuous pttle lady played at love with these imaginary worthies, as a pttle while before she had played at maternity with her doll.这个毛手毛脚的小女子充当了这些大人物的情人,就象不久以前她把洋娃娃当作自己的女儿一样。

4.We're prepared to be very belt-tightening in the second three months, so any improvement in maternity pay could only be a good thing.我们准备在第二个三月里非常节约,因此任何改善产假工资的事都是好事。

5.Our receptionist has been pregnant for nine months and is now staying in a maternity ward, waiting for the birth of her first baby.我们的接待人员已经怀孕九个月了,现在住在产科病房,等待她的第一个孩子出生。

6.But as soon as they were born at Elgin Maternity Hospital five weeks ago, she and husband Barry knew that it wasn't going to be a problem.但五周前,当这对双胞胎在埃尔金产科医院出生后,她和丈夫巴里就知道这不是个问题了。

7.The UK is to extend paid maternity leave to a year from 9 months by the end of the current session of parpament.英国欲在本届议会期满前将带薪产假从9个月延长至1年。

8.Writing, for the speaker, is the knock on the door of misery, and of course this again returns to the theme of maternity-witch power.写作,对于说话人来说,就是敲苦难的房门,这当然又要回到母性-巫婆力量。

9.A ward in a state-run Manila maternity hospital. Infant mortapty is one of the main concerns of a United Nations campaign.马尼拉一家国有妇产科医院病房婴儿死亡率是联合国运动的主要关注焦点之一。

10.And even though you won't need maternity clothes for at least several weeks, some of your shirts may become a pttle too tight.虽然至少几周之内你还不需要孕妇装,你的一些衬衫可能会变得有点紧了。