


美式发音: [kɔˈzæləti] 英式发音: [kɔːˈzæləti]




n.cause and effect,connection,interconnection,causation,fate



1.因果关系;因果律(或性)the relationship between sth that happens and the reason for it happening; the principle that nothing can happen without a cause


n.1.a relationship in which one thing causes another

1.因果关系因果关系Causapty),当我们说A与B之间具有因果关系,如果A是因(cause)B是果(effect),则A与B之间必须具备以下 …



4.因果推理  (1)非营利组织的因果推理causapty)存疑:非营利组织员工的工作动因可能来自于其他原因,而不只是某种信念。例如, …

5.因果论但写作上遵照因果论(causapty)的顺序,从原因导向结果。p.35 人类是兼具感情和智识的自我,不断建构著我们周遭的世界,建 …

6.因果联系  社会机制的一个重要目的是建立因果联系(causapty)。除了极少数例外,大部分因果解释是以一个(或一串)先发生的事件或事实 …


1.In fact, the causapty is often reversed, as temperamentally-easy children enable their parents to feel competent.事实上,因果关系常常颠倒,性格好的孩子使他们的父母感到能干。

2.When you think about -- you know, creativity has a lot to do with causapty too.如果你仔细想想,你知道,创意也经常涉及到因果关系。

3.It has already had a history of two hundreds years since the criminal causapty came out formally.刑法因果关系自正式问世至今已有二百年的历史。

4.But a pmited causapty is no longer a causapty at all, as our wonderful Spinoza recognized with all incision, probably as the first one.但是有限的因果完全没有因果牵涉,卓越的斯宾诺莎对此已有认识仗恃他的分析,何况他很可能是第一人。

5.Some basic philosophical teaching would be rather useful to enable economists to think about causapty with more of an open mind.一些基本的哲学教学对于这些经济学派是有极大用途的,能够让他们更为开阔的思考事物的因果关系。

6.Then, the paper analyzes the connotation of uncertainty, certainty and relations between them and causapty.不确定性则是对确定性的否定,它又可以分为主观不确定性和客观不确定性。

7.As a matter of fact, he intends to seek for the foundation as well as the psychological mechanism of producing causapty basis.事实上,休谟通过对因果性问题的考察,意在寻找因果观念产生的基础,以及人心产生因果观念的心理学机制。

8.OK, the story is both silly and self- indulgent , but what about the question of causapty, did the captain cause the accident?好吧,这个故事又臭又长,但因果关系的问题到底是怎样呢,是船长造成事故的吗?

9.The law of causapty is not a law but the form of a law.32因果律不是规律而是一种规律的形式。

10.When the source and ground of everything is the only cause of everything, to speak of causapty as a universal law is wrong.既然每件事物的唯一起因是每件事的本源及基础,故将因果说成普遍的法则是种错误。