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网络释义:格拉斯哥昏迷评分(glasgow coma scale);综合布线系统(Generic Cabpng System);昏迷指数



abbr.1.Glasgow coma scale

1.格拉斯哥昏迷评分(glasgow coma scale) 详细>>数据中心 数据中心是数据大集中而形 …

3.昏迷指数葛式昏迷指数GCS)及外伤指数(RTS): 依表上各项目圈选评分, 并记录总分c 病患身体上有伤口或体表有任何异样 , 请在人 …

4.格拉斯哥昏迷量表格拉斯哥昏迷量表(gcs),格拉斯哥派, 格拉斯哥机场 格拉斯哥, Glasgow Coma Scale, GCS, 昏迷, 反应, 程序, motor response, …

5.格拉斯哥评分当格拉斯哥评分GCS)从15分降至8分以下时,SAE的死亡率会由16%升高至63%。虽然,SAE还不是一个判断预后的独立 …

6.地面控制站(Ground Control Station)2名地面控制站GCS)操作员,1名弹射器/回收操作员-2 GCS operator, 1 launcher/recovery operator 子战术无人机(Sub-Ta…


1.The point of disputes is often related to construction contract. the GCs aren't easy to find the problem of contract.争议发生的症结点亦常与工程契约有关,营造厂并不容易直接找出契约问题所在。

2.In the meantime, technicians at Creech are trying to get the virus off the GCS machines. It has not been easy.与此同时,克里奇基地的技术人员正努力排除地面通信设备中的病毒,这并不容易。

3.Our study objectives were to determine diagnostic criteria for GCS and to assess their vapdity using a prospective case-control design.我们的研究目标是确定诊断标准的综合布线,并评估其有效性使用前瞻性病例对照设计。

4.The prognosis of patients with traumatic brain injuries has no relationship with age or sex; closely related with GCS, P53 gene.脑外伤预后与患者的年龄、性别无关联,与GCS、P53基因密切相关。

5.The Global Cache Service (GCS) of that Oracle RAC node is responsible for managing access to these sets of data blocks.该OracleRAC节点的全局缓存服务(GCS)负责管理对这些数据块集的访问。

6.Besides HBV infection, a large number of infectious agents, mostly viruses, have been described as a trigger of GCS.除了乙型肝炎病毒感染,大量的传染因子,主要是病毒,已被描述为一种触发的全球合作。

7.Trauma patients with GCS 3 persisting from the scene with bilaterally fixed dilated pupils have no appreciable chance of survival.未见损伤时GCS持续为3伴双侧瞳孔固定散大的患者生存。

8.Similarly, BAC was not a significant independent predictor of GCS score in a multivariate model.同样,血液酒精浓度(BAC)在多变量模型中也并非是GCS评分的一个有效的独立预测指标。

9.This has the side-effect of increasing the interval times between GCs, and increasing the time it takes to process an allocation failure.这样做的副作用是GCs之间的间隔时间增加,从而增加处理分配失败所需的时间。

10.These data do not lend support to the use of thigh-length GCS in patients admitted to hospital with acute stroke.这些数据并不支持长筒GCS对急性中风住院患者血栓发生有预防作用。