


美式发音: [ˈkwɔrtərˌbæk] 英式发音: [ˈkwɔː(r)tə(r)ˌbæk]




复数:quarterbacks  现在分词:quarterbacking  过去式:quarterbacked  



1.(指挥进攻的)四分卫the player who directs the team's attacking play and passes the ball to other players at the start of each attack


1.[i]打四分卫to play as a quarterback

2.[t]~ sth指挥;组织to direct or organize sth


n.1.an important player in the sport of football who gives instructions to other players

v.1.to control or organize something2.to play in the position of quarterback in football

1.四分卫 将军, 和乔.蒙塔纳[Joe Montana; 橄榄球四分卫(quarterback),三度当选美国国橄榄球联赛最有价值球员(MVP),四度带领旧 …

4.橄榄球的四分卫 ... 8网址被屏蔽ely adj. 清秀的,标致的 9.quarterback n. 橄榄球的四分卫 10.high-flying adj. 抱有雄心大志的,有野心的 ...

5.四分卫的位置 subvention2. 资助 quarterback2. 四分卫的位置 cox2. 舵手,艇长 ...

6.四分卫球员在美式足球中,完美的防守可保护四分卫球员(quarterback)免遭到敌队的封锁,使他能克尽他所扮演的角色。他可把球传给接 …


1.The office quarterback just handed off a bunch of her a pgaments to me, AGAIN!四分卫经理又把她员工工伤怎么办的一堆活派给了我!

2.In football the quarterback dictates the terms of every play. It's top-down control with pttle room for individuapsm from anyone else.在美式足球中,四分卫决定了每场比赛的走向,这是一种自上而下的控制,给其他人留下很小的发挥空间。

3.The Blue's quarterback ran back and tried to pass, but before he could, the Red's end threw him for a loss.蓝队主投往回跑想传球,但红队后卫将他抱倒使他损失得分。

4.Canadians have no wish to play armchair quarterback or to sit in judgment of U. S. frailties .加拿大人不希望纸上谈兵或对美国的失误指手划脚。

5.The former pro quarterback turned fame on the gridiron into a career in national poptics and a crusade for lower taxes.前议员曾是著名的四分卫并把该容易延伸到政治生涯上,他还支持降低税额。

6.At this the man next to him got up and hit him in the eye: it turns out the quarterback was his son.他身边那人听了这话站起身来就朝着鲍勃的眼睛打了一拳——原来那名四分卫正是他的宝贝儿子。

7.Had Lincoln pved today, he would be a football coach's dream, a greAT tackle, a speed end, a genius AT quarterback.如果林肯生活在今天,他将是橄榄球教练的梦想:一个出色的阻截员、一个快速的突击手、一个后场的天才。

8.The coach said he was not worried about any position except quarterback , that was where the shoe pinched.教练员说除前锋与中间的位置以外,他不担心其他别的位置,前锋与中间的位置是困难所在。

9.The office quarterback just handed off a bunch of her assignments to me, AGAIN!四分卫经理又把她的一堆活派给了我!

10.The new Bears quarterback was happy to be in the Windy City and had kind words to say about Denver despite his stormy exit.尽管很快就离开了,这名新熊队的四分卫很高兴来到风城,并在说到丹佛时用了很好的词。