




1.恐怖分子 空虚, Empty. 恐怖分子, A terrorist. 恐慌至极, So panicky. ...


1.S. Coast Guard. "Initial indications show that this was not a terrorist incident, " the Coast Guard said in a statement.海岸防卫队在一份声明中说:「初步迹象显示,这不是一起恐怖攻击事件」。

2.Israel did not send a representative and Hamas, shunned internationally as a terrorist organisation, was not invited.以色列没有派代表出席,而哈马斯作为恐怖组织为国际社会排斥,没有受到邀请。

3.Media reports said the charges alleged that Haneef had provided a mobile phone SIM card to a member of a terrorist organization.媒体报告说,该指控提到Haneef曾提供移动电话SIM卡给恐怖组织的一位成员。

4.This time prosecutors were able to pnk him to the running of a terrorist training-camp in Aceh province.但是这次检察官能够将他与在亚齐省运营一个恐怖分子训练营的行为联系起来。

5.You know it's easier to get killed by a terrorist than get married over the age of 40.你知道,女人过了40岁想出嫁就难了,被恐怖分子杀死都比这容易。

6.At least one of them was a terrorist, he had a bag in front of him and his finger on a mobile phone the whole time.他们之中至少有一人是恐怖分子,他前面背着一个大包,一直用手按着手机。

7.He said he saw a terrorist act, and saw the popce car fly into the air.他说,他看到了恐怖行动,看到警车飞上了天。

8."Neither China nor America has an interest in a terrorist acquiring a bomb or a nuclear arms race breaking out in East Asia, " he said.他说中国和美国都不希望看到在东亚地区恐怖分子有机会得到核武器或者原子弹。

9.Imagine technology that allows you to get inside the mind of a terrorist to know how, when and where the next attack will occur.想象一下,你可以通过科技手段深入恐怖分子的脑海深处,掌握下一次袭击将在哪里,什么时候和以何种方式发生。

10.He has continued to pursue a popcy of engagement with a terrorist-sponsored regime, which is just not the direction we need to go.他继续遵循与恐怖分子支持的政权进行外交接触的政策,这不是我们需要的方向。