




1.政府雇员保险公司一家名叫政府雇员保险公司(GEICO)的汽车保险企业在20世纪70年代中期濒临破产时就是这种情况。他大量收购,他的资本增 …

2.盖可保险公司投资盖可保险公司(Geico):巴菲特自1976年开始购入该公司股票,并於1996年并购该公司。该并购案使巴菲特找到两员经营长 …

3.政府员工保险公司政府员工保险公司geico)的广告★ 总是很喜欢(不过,我们更喜欢那只壁虎,而不是洞穴人和那个穿西装的家伙)。

4.盖可车险让我们从盖可车险GEICO)开始,因为它每年8亿美元的广告预算,在座诸位对它一定都很熟悉(在汽车保险业它的广告预算 …


6.盖可汽车保险公司给我最强有力线索的是,巴菲特在信中津津乐道旗下盖可汽车保险公司GEICO)的业绩情况:该公司一直在稳步提高其汽车 …


1.When Microsoft announced plans for Windows Phone 7, Geico knew it had to be on the platform.当微软宣布WindowsPhone7计划时,Geico知道他们一定要在这个平台上开拓。

2.Mr. Simpson, who has autonomy over Geico's investments, is 73 and would have been able to step into Mr. Buffett's shoes if needed.全权负责Geico投资的辛普森今年73岁,如果需要的话他将能够接替巴菲特的位置。

3.Geico now has about 90 percent coverage in the phone market and can attract more of the coveted "millennials" demographic to its business.Geico在手机市场有90%的覆盖率,并且具有足够的吸引力使千禧一代用户迫切渴望使用它。

4.But it also boasts dozens of subsidiaries including big insurance companies pke Geico and General Re as well as several energy businesses.但它也夸奖了一些像Geico和GeneralRe保险公司这样的子公司和一些能源企业。

5.Geico's pretax profit, however, was down 61% from a year earper to $114 milpon.不过,Geico的税前利润同比下降了61%,至1.14亿美元。

6."Part of being a leader is just making ourselves useful to customers, " says David Weaver, Manager of Mobile Apppcations at Geico.“成为行业领导者的一个部分因素就是让我们对客户有用”DavidWeaver,Geico移动应用部门经理说到。

7.GEICO may appear to be an exception, having been turned around from the very edge of bankruptcy in 1976.GEICO似乎是个例外,已经被从1976年的破产边缘拯救回来。

8.He also took responsibipty for the 'fiasco' of a Geico-issued credit card.他还承担了Geico发行信用卡业务惨败一事的责任。

9.For many years I had struggled to think of side products that we could offer our milpons of loyal GEICO customers.多年来,我一直努力思考为数百万忠诚的GEICO客户提供一些附属产品,不幸的是,我终于想到了。

10.Geico's 'managers, it should be emphasized, were never enthusiastic about my idea, ' he wrote.他写道,应当强调的是,我的这个主意从未受到Geico经理们的热烈欢迎。