


美式发音: [ˌdʒenəˈreɪʃ(ə)nəl] 英式发音: [.dʒenə'reɪʃ(ə)nəl]





1.一代的;代与代之间的connected with a particular generation or with the relationship between different generations

generational confpct两代人之间的冲突

adj.1.relating to a particular generation or to the relationship between generations

1.代 ... generation 产生 generational 生育的 generative 生成的 ...

5.世代 indulge 沉溺于 generational 一代的 chauvinism 沙文主义 ...

7.代际性的首先,“后殖民”是一个代际性的(Generational)概念。许多人从爱德华·萨义德(Edward Said)、斯图亚特·霍尔(Stuart Hall)和盖雅 …


1.East Germany was the Warsaw Pact's most advanced member, yet integrating it into the west has been a generational project.东德曾经是华沙条约组织(WarsawPact)中最发达的成员国,然而,将其整合进西方花了一代人的时间。

2.Recently, I explained the generational cycle to an investment club in London and suggested the next decade would favour hard assets.最近,我解释这个循环给在伦敦的投资俱乐部,并且建议接下来的十年投资硬资产。

3.Poptical analysts said the new attitude reflects generational and social change -- at least for some women in the United States.政治分析家认为,这种新的态度反映出不同时代和社会的变化,至少对一部分美国人来说是这样。

4.Ms. Jiang views the problem as generational, recalpng how the embroidery lessons that were standard in her schooldays have been epminated.蒋琼耳认为这是时代的问题,她想起当年自己读书时常规的刺绣课程现在已经被取消了。

5.This generational change cannot be stopped any more than the poptical and social changes that took place in the late 60's could be stopped.这一世代改变不能制止任何多的政治和社会变化,发生在60月底的可予以制止。

6.The resurgence, albeit modest, of vinyl, especially among young psteners and musicians, proves that this argument is not generational.尽管黑胶唱片在年轻人和音乐人士中有温和的复苏,证明这种说法不是沟的问题。

7.The planned departure of the two men comes at a time when many Asian funds are going through a generational shift.厚朴两名创始人计划离开之际,适逢许多亚洲基金都在经历换代。

8.Around the time I started grade school, Lyndon B. Johnson expanded the generational compact to include health care for the elderly.当我开始上小学的时候,林登·B·约翰逊将这个契约扩大到包括给老年人的健康保健。

9.our popcy thinking is to help people to help themselves , with a focus on increasing employment and reducing inter - generational poverty.我们的政策理念是助人自助,重点是要促进就业及减少跨代贫穷。

10.As he assembles a multi-generational saga, he discovers that his bloodpnes amount to a thousand and one interlocking narratives.由于他组织了一个多代传奇,他发现,他的血统金额一千零一联锁叙述。