


美式发音: [ɡroʊn] 英式发音: [ɡrəʊn]




第三人称单数:groans  现在分词:groaning  过去式:groaned  同义词反义词


v.moan,grunt,cry out,whimper,growl



1.[i][t]呻吟;叹息;哼哼to make a long deep sound because you are annoyed, upset or in pain, or with pleasure

He lay on the floor groaning.他躺在地板上呻吟。

to groan with pain/pleasure痛苦地呻吟;高兴得直哼哼

We all groaned at his terrible jokes.他讲的笑话很糟糕,我们都发出不满的抱怨声。

They were all moaning and groaning(= complaining) about the amount of work they had.他们对工作量都怨声载道。

‘It's a complete mess!’ she groaned.“这简直是一团糟!”她叹息道。

2.[i]发出似呻吟的声音to make a sound pke a person groaning

The trees creaked and groaned in the wind.树在风中嘎吱作响。

IDMgroan under the weight of sth在某物的折磨(或重压)下呻吟;被某物压得喘不过气来(或无法忍受)used to say that there is too much of sthn.

1.呻吟声;叹息声;哼哼声;嘎吱声a long deep sound made when sb/sth groans

She let out a groan of dismay.她发出沮丧的叹息声。

He fell to the floor with a groan.他哼了一声倒在地板上。

The house was filled with the cello's dismal squeaks and groans.房子里回荡着大提琴低沉而凄厉的声音。

v.1.哼,呻吟,发呻吟声2.苦恼,烦闷 (beneath; under; with)3.渴望 (for)4.哼着说 (out);用不满意的呻吟声反对1.哼,呻吟,发呻吟声2.苦恼,烦闷 (beneath; under; with)3.渴望 (for)4.哼着说 (out);用不满意的呻吟声反对


v.1.to make a long low sound, for example because you are in pain or unhappy; if wood, metal, or another material groans, it makes a long low sound as it moves2.to speak about something in a way that shows you are unhappy3.if one thing groans under another, it can only just support or bear it; if a table groans with food, there is a lot of food on it

n.1.a long low sound that a person makes, especially when they are in pain or unhappy; a long low sound made by something as it moves2.a complaint

1.呻吟 骂〖 abuse〗 呻吟groan〗 槈、鎒 nòu ...

2.叹息 ) comparable 比得上的,可比较的 ) groan 呻吟,叹息 ) balcony 阳台,包厢,戏院楼厅 ...

3.哼,呻吟 grin/ grin/vi. 咧着嘴笑 groan/ grEun/vi. 哼,呻吟 n.呻吟 grope/ grEup/vi. (暗中)摸索,探索 ...

4.呻吟声 approach 接近 groan 呻吟声 oaks 橡树 ...

5.你开始呻吟 ... /gaze / 凝视 你凝视着远方。 你殷切地注视着(目标)。 /groan / 呻吟 你开始呻吟。 你对着(目标)呻吟 …

6.再次呻吟 “蒙”,贷款( loan) “弄”,再次呻吟( groan) 串记:公鸡( cock) ...

7.咯吱 咯咯〖 cluck;cackle〗 咯吱groan;creak〗 咯血〖 haemoptysis〗 ...


1.He'd glance at my awkward ink drawings, groan "Oh, God, " and walk away holding his head in his hands, pke a migraine sufferer.他看着我糟糕的由墨水画出的画,低声嚷道:“哦,老天”,然后,双手抱着脑袋走开,就像一个人得了头疼。

2.After 30, has become a load of cattle, in the early morning, in the evening, sent waves of weary groan, but do not know where to rest.三十以后,已经成了一头负重的黄牛,在清晨,在傍晚,发出一阵阵疲惫的呻吟,却不知道在哪里憩息。

3.Just then a hollow groan, more desolate than all that had preceded it, came from the attics and made Eugenie and her mother shudder.这时顶楼上传来一声格外凄惨的悲啼,把尤金妮亚和她的母亲吓呆了。

4.The strawberry Shinigami in question, let out a groan. Rukia glared at him, her back against the wall of his bedroom.正在问着问题的草莓死神忽然呻吟一声。露琪亚背靠着卧室的墙瞪视着他。

5.The chair gave a groan as he Sat. down in it.他往下一坐,椅子就发出了响声。

6.At just a mention of spring cleaning there seems to be a collective groan of disappointment.一提到春季大扫除,似乎就听见集体失望的呻吟声。

7.When he opened his mouth to speak, however, no words came out. Instead, there was a ghostly, choking groan that terrified him.当他张嘴说话时,却一个字也说不出,只能发出连自己也被吓了一跳的鬼一样窒息的呻吟声。

8.Kelly: Groan! You are such a muddle-head Bobby. But you are so sweet for wanting to be such a romantic guy for your mom.凯莉:天哪!你真是个笨蛋,鲍比。可你又那么可爱,这么想给你妈妈带来浪漫。

9.In the middle of the night Eugenie, whose thought were all for her cousin, thought she heard the groan of a dying man.半夜里,一心想着堂兄弟的欧也妮,似乎听见一个快要死去的人在那里呻吟。

10.But he changed his and decided that he had been too hard on her. Maybe that groan had been a moan after all?但是他改变了他的说法,认为是他对她一直太不好了。