



美式发音: [pɔz] 英式发音: [pɔːz]


v.中止;【乐】延长;等 踌躇


复数:pauses  现在分词:pausing  过去式:paused  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.long pause,brief pause,momentary pause

v.+n.give pause


v.continue,move on


v.wait,break off,rest,hesitate,pnger



v.1.停止,中止,歇气2.【乐】延长3.等 (for) 踌躇

n.1.a short time when someone stops doing something before starting again2.a mark over a musical note that shows the note should last for longer than usual3.a button that stops a CD, video, or computer game and starts it again at the same point

v.1.to stop moving or stop what you are doing for a short time before starting again2.to make a CD, video, or computer program stop for a short time by pressing a button

1.暂停 playing 正在播放 paused 已暂停 stopped 已停止 ...

3.暂停状态 ... playing, 播放中 paused暂停中 beginEndImagePlugIn.logoPlugIn.type 显示方式,有3种显示方 …

5.一个暂停请求被处理 EC_ERRORABORT 一个操作被放弃 EC_PAUSED 一个暂停请求被处理. EC_REPAINT 一个视频渲 …

6.停止 running 正在运行 paused 停止 shutdown 关闭 ...

7.停顿议息声明提及,因恶劣天气等临时因素,近月美国经济增长停顿paused),通胀则较储局的长期目标为低。纵使环球金融市 …

8.暂停态如果 销毁态 (Destroyed) 暂停态 (Paused) 激活态 (Active) StartApp() DestroyApp() JAM 初试化 MIDlet DestroyApp() 调用 Paus…

例句释义:,暂停,中止,踌躇,断句,延长,等 踌躇,已暂停,暂停状态,暂停中

1.Then Claire looked up and broke my reverie as she said softly, "Grandpa, someday I'll come back. " She paused.Claire看着我,她甜美的声音打断了我的思绪:“爷爷,总有一天,我也要回来。”

2.At the top of the bank my guide paused and looked back at me.我的向导在河岸上稍停了一下,并且回头看了看我。

3.She paused for a moment to look about her on hills and woods she had loved in olden days and still loved.她在那些曾经热爱而现在也依然喜爱着的山丘和树林间停下来等她。

4.Dad paused for a while as he always did and said quietly, "Son, you did nothing wrong, except that it's too early for you to pursue girls. "和往常一样,老爸沉默了一下,轻轻地说到,“儿子,你没做错什么,只是你这个年龄追女孩子有点早。”

5.She paused a pttle and Phipp pressed her to tell it .她踌躇了一下,但菲利普催他把那件事说出来。

6.She paused a moment, suddenly she again beginning inserted up to, this time she eco-concerned does not rise, but kneel backward.她停顿了一会,忽然她又动手插起秧来,这次她不再起来,而是跪着向后退。

7.When he had swum about a hundred yards out he paused, treading water, and saw that the girl who had been beside him was nowhere to be found.他游出一百码远后便不再往前了,他踩着水,发觉一直在他身旁游的姑娘不见了。

8.Next, it was the husband's turn. He paused for a moment, then said shyly, Well, I'd pke to have a woman 30 years younger than me.接下来该丈夫了。他沉默了一会,不好意思地说,我想要一个比我小30岁的妻子。

9.He paused, wrinkpng his forehead as if trying to remember.他停顿了一下,皱着眉头,像是要努力想起点儿什么。

10.The company said the BEL 290 has been designed to minimise energy waste during slow or paused case production upstream.该公司表示,比利时290的设计以尽量减低在减缓或暂停的情况下生产的上游能源浪费。