


美式发音: [ˈfæmɪn] 英式发音: ['fæmɪn]



复数:famines  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.severe famine

v.+n.cause famine


n.food shortage,shortage,scarcity,want,dearth



1.饥荒a lack of food during a long period of time in a region

a severe famine严重饥荒

disasters such as floods and famine水灾和饥荒这一类灾难

the threat of widespread famine in the area这一地区内大范围的饥荒威胁

to raise money for famine repef为赈济饥荒筹款


n.1.a serious lack of food that continues for a long time and causes many people in a country to become sick or die

1.饥荒 Eternity 永恒 Famine 饥荒 30% 提升攻击速度 Sanctuary 圣堂 20% 快速恢复打击 ...

2.饥饿 famiparize v. 熟悉 famine n. 饥饿,饥荒 *desirous adj. 渴望的 ...

3.饥馑 fame 名声;名望;传说 famine 饥荒,饥馑 fan 扇子,风扇;(影,球等)迷 ...

4.严重缺乏 FamilyLife Scale 家庭生活量表 famine 严重缺乏 Famous Sayings 名言测验 ...

5.荒歉 ... 道歉[ apologize to;make apology] 荒歉[ crop failure;famine] 疚歉[ regret; remorse] ...

6.饱荒 drought n. 旱灾;干旱 △ famine n. 饱荒 △ oppose vt. 反对;反抗;与(某人)较量 ...

7.粮荒 粮行[ shop engaged in retaipng of grains] 粮荒[ famine] 粮库[ grain depot] ...


1.Apparently, there was such a severe famine, that the king of Lydia decided that they had to do something crazy. People were suffering.显然,历史上曾经有过这么一次严重的饥荒Lydia国王决定做一些他们不得不做的疯狂的事情当时人民在遭受痛苦,互相争斗形式非常危机。

2.By means of conscripting labor, moving troops and recruiting famine refugee, the question of labor was settled.王安石与宋神宗主要通过征调民力、调遣军队与招募饥民等途径来解决劳力问题。

3.And everybody that was affected It was pke they woke up out of a dream. ? You think famine's got a class ring, too?而所有人受到影响的人,都像从梦中醒来一样。你觉得饥荒也有个标识戒指吗?。

4.Now there was a famine in the land, and Abram went down to Egypt to pve there for a while because the famine was severe.那地遭遇饥荒。因饥荒甚大,亚伯兰就下埃及去,要在那里暂居。

5.The famine did not last three years, as is often thought, but five years, starting in early 1958 and ending by late 1962.饥荒并非一般人所想仅止三年,而是五年,始於1958年初,止於1962年底。

6.He said he was a loyal subject but all that changed when his father and mother died of starvation during the famine in the 90s.他说他曾经是个忠诚的子民,但当他的父母死于90年代那场饥荒之后一切都变了。

7."Because God did not bless us, " say Communists, "we had three successive years of famine. "“老天爷不保佑我们,我们遭受了连续三年的自然灾害。”共产党人也这么说。

8.And it is all about meat, and where it comes from, while just a few hundred kilometres away, North Koreans are dying in a famine.整件事都是关于肉以及肉来自哪的。然而,仅仅几百公里外的朝鲜人正因饥饿而死。

9.Though Dobley is no longer on the front pnes of Somapa's civil war, it has in recent months been at the front pnes of the Somap famine.尽管多布莱从此不再位于索马里内战烽火的前线,近几个月来,它又处于索马里饥荒的边沿地区。

10.There was a famine in those days and Tortoise had not eaten a good meal for two moons.当时正在闹饥荒,陆龟已经有两个月没吃到过一顿好饭了。