


美式发音: [ˈhændlər] 英式发音: [ˈhændlə(r)]



复数:handlers  同义词




1.驯兽员;(尤指)驯犬员a person who trains and controls animals, especially dogs

2.搬运工;操作者a person who carries or touches sth as part of their job

airport baggage handlers机场行李员

food handlers食品处理者

3.组织者;顾问a person who organizes sth or advises sb

the President's campaign handlers总统的竞选智囊


n.1.someone whose job is to train and take care of an animal, especially a dog2.someone whose job is to move a particular type of goods3.the manager of someone famous such as a movie star or sportsperson4.the part of a computer program that deals with a particular type of problem or operation1.someone whose job is to train and take care of an animal, especially a dog2.someone whose job is to move a particular type of goods3.the manager of someone famous such as a movie star or sportsperson4.the part of a computer program that deals with a particular type of problem or operation

1.处理器 Handle is not pinned 句柄未被固定 handler 处理程序 handy focus 快捷焦点 ...

3.处理函数 handle 句柄 handler 处理函数 hash table 散列表(哈希表) ...

4.处理者 hand shaking 握手协商 handler 处理常式 处理函数 hard disk 硬碟 硬盘 ...


8.很牛X的东东 ... Optimize table XXX 清理该表中已删除的链接(可以释放一些资源) Handler很牛X的东东) OPTIMIZE TABLE “; …


1.It abstracts out the creation of a thread and a handler for making a request off of the main UI thread.它抽象出线程和处理程序的创建,用于请求主UI线程。

2.Then specify the value of that attribute as the name of the event handler method that you defined in the code-behind file of the XAML page.接著将该属性的值指定为您在XAML页面的程式码后置档案中所定义的事件处理常式方法的名称。

3.Once code has been generated for your model, it is nearly ready to be used with an RRD extension generator and handler pair.为您的模型生成代码后,基本上就可以将其与RRD扩展生成器和处理程序对结合使用了。

4.To create Java Beans to handle the seriapzation and deseriapzation of a data-type bean's wire format, referred to as format handler.为了创建JavaBean来处理数据类型bean有线格式的序列化和反序列化,也称为格式处理器。

5.What if the dog knew there was a mine but simply didn't bother to let the handler know, leading to a tragedy later?如果是狗知道那里有个矿井但只是简单地不想麻烦而没有告诉训练者从而导致了悲剧的发生,那又该如何呢?

6.But you're better off setting flags -- and nothing else -- in a signal handler, as opposed to trying to create sophisticated handlers.但是您最好只在一个信号处理器中设置标记(别的什么都不做),这胜过尝试创建复杂的处理器。

7.Imagine this scenario: Your apppcation gets an exception, the exception handler kicks in and you have set it up to log to a file.想象一下这个情形:应用程序发生了一个异常,异常处理跟踪了该异常,并建立了一个日志文件。

8.The U. S. photographer said he had deployed his assistant Mauricio Handler (pictured) as bait for this friendly 70-ton giant.这位美国摄影师说他安排了助手毛利西奥·汉德勒(图中人)作为这头友好的70吨重庞然大物的诱饵。

9.For a routed event, it is possible that the source of the event is a different object than the object where the handler is attached.对于路由事件,事件来源可能不同于附加处理常式的物件。

10.Process headers that this handler understands and that are bound to the set of roles in which the current SOAP node is acting.处理这个处理程序理解的以及当前的SOAP节点正在扮演的角色集的消息头。