


美式发音: 英式发音: ['dʒentlnəs]








1.温柔 sadness 悲哀 gentleness 温柔 usefulness 有用 ...

2.温和 「compassion 同情」, 「gentleness 温和」, 「motherlylove 母爱」, ...

3.温顺 gentlemen 男厕所 gentleness 温顺,柔和,亲切 gently 温柔地;柔和地 ...

4.柔和 gentlemen 男厕所 gentleness 温顺,柔和,亲切 gently 温柔地;柔和地 ...

5.亲切 gentlemen 男厕所 gentleness 温顺,柔和,亲切 gently 温柔地;柔和地 ...

6.恩慈 ... 忠信(待人忠诚) faithful、 柔和(温柔委婉gentleness、 节制(节制自律) Self-control 、 ...

8.和蔼 ... gently adv. 和蔼,温和,高雅,温柔 gentleness n. 和蔼,高雅,温柔 happily adv. 幸福地,高兴,快乐 ...


1.I thank you for your goodness, for your gentleness, for your smile, for inviting me, but I thank you for just being you and it is good.为你的美好,为你的温柔,为你的微笑,为你邀请我而感谢你,但我感谢你仅仅是因为你就是你,这是美好的。

2.Her hat had been pushed off, an the snow shining on her dark hair. He now felt a strange gentleness for her.她的帽子已经被推掉,白雪辉映着她的黑发,现在他对她产生了一种莫名其妙的温柔感。

3.Higgins put out her hand and touched Mr. Carr's arm with great gentleness, as if she knew just how he felt.希金斯夫人伸出手极其轻柔地碰了碰卡尔先生的胳膊,似乎她知道他是怎么想的。

4.I notice that he was fat and baldheaded, and had an expression of winning gentleness and simppcity upon his tranquil countenance.我注意到他身材肥胖,秃了顶,在他那安详的面容上带着一种讨人喜欢的温和纯朴的表情

5.You do not know how dearly loving it'll not men, not to continue to pay your gentleness and love.不懂得疼惜你的男人不要为之不舍,更不必继续付出你的柔情和爱情。

6.I was struck immediately by the kindness and the gentleness in her face, and I asked her to tell me her story.我马上就被她脸上的美好、平和打动了。然后我请她给我讲她的故事。

7.The culture of Portugal has somehow been infused with a gentleness that seems to define their character.葡萄牙文化某种程度上已经与温和,这似乎注入确定其性质。

8.When Diane Daniel met her husband Wessel, she was attracted to his smile, quiet humor and gentleness -- "and of course his Dutch accent. "当戴安·丹尼尔与她的丈夫维塞尔初次相遇时,她就被他的微笑、浅浅的幽默以及温柔所吸引,“当然还有他的荷兰口音。”

9.Then Blondeau gazes at me, with the gentleness of a tiger, and says to me: `lf you are Pontmercy, you are not Laigle.这下,勃隆多用老虎的那种温柔神气望着我,笑容可掬地对我说:‘您如果是彭眉胥,您就不会是赖格尔。’

10.The soft and elastic blue gpal innovation of material, tactipty gentleness, the biggest advantage is not easy to be damaged.采用柔软而富弹性的蓝色胶质的创新质料,触感轻柔,最大的好处是不易破损。