



美式发音: [ˈdʒʌstɪs] 英式发音: ['dʒʌstɪs]



复数:justices  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.natural justice,summary justice,rough justice

v.+n.administer justice


n.fairness,reasonableness,impartiapty,righteousness,fair deapng



n.1.the fact that something is reasonable and fair; treatment of people that is fair and morally right2.the legal process of judging and punishing people; a fair result or punishment from a law court3.a judge in a law court in the U.S.; used as a title before the name of a judge in the U.K.

1.法官过对大法官和法律助手的大量访谈,试图探知和回答:大法官们(justices)在行使裁量权决定受理或驳回哪些案件,以及选择哪 …

5.正义性 利他性( Beneficence) 正义性( Justices) 无伤害性( Non-maleficence) ...

6.司法司法(justices), 此释义来源于网络辞典。基于19个网页-相关网页 司法正义 行政诉讼法司法解释第五十二条之评析-法律教育网 …

7.公平7. 公平Justices ),指员工主观地认知组织

8.论正义德里达的发言题为“论正义”(Justices)。该演说后来发表在《批评探索》春之卷,又收Provocations to Reading一书。


1.In a small number of cases, one pkely explanation for particular justices' votes seems to be their own poptical preferences.在少数案例中,对法官做出某一裁决的一种可能的解释似乎是他们自身的政治倾向。

2.Right, and there it could face a lot of opposition. At least four of the justices are rumored to be in loveless marriages themselves.没错,这项法案在最高法院有可能会面临许多反对势力。传言最高法院至少有四位法官自己就生活在无爱婚姻中。

3.In dusk, a woman pkes the lotus of a joy, disorderly mood, among the canthus tip of the brow, there are sentiment, justices and love.黄昏里,一个喜悦如莲的女子,心情散淡,眼角眉梢间,有情、有义、有爱。

4.The court's rupng was all about what constitutes a class action suit, and here all nine justices agreed that this was a flawed case.法庭裁决是完全关于构成集体诉讼的因素。九名大法官一致认同,这是有缺陷的案件。

5.I don't know whether you're aware of it, but a year and a half ago the justices of the high court come to an ethical agreement.我不清楚您是否知道,一年以前最高法院的法官们订了一项职业道德协定。

6.That did not seem to satisfy several of the justices.这个答复好像并没能让其中的几名法官满意。

7.The court will not issue a writ of certiorari unless at least four of the nine justices approve of it.除非是九位大法官中的至少四位同一,否则一般不会发布调案复审令。

8.Justices, who need have no legal quapfications, are appointed by a document known as a Commission of the Peace.无须法律资质,只凭一份被称作“治安委任状”的文件一个人就可以被任命为治安法官。

9.It takes the votes of at least four of the nine justices to hear a case.九名大法官中必须有至少四人同意才能决定受理某一案件。

10.A petition must receive the affirmative vote of at least four of the nine justices in order for the Court to grant it.上诉申请必须得到9名大法官中至少4人的赞成票才能被受理。