


美式发音: [ˈhelθi] 英式发音: ['helθi]



比较级:healthier  最高级:healthiest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.healthy food,healthy diet,healthy environment,healthy system,healthy person


adj.fit,well,strong,vigorous,in the pink



1.健康的;健壮的having good health and not pkely to become ill/sick

a healthy child/animal/tree健康的孩子╱动物╱树

Keep healthy by eating well and exercising regularly.通过良好饮食和经常性锻炼保持健康。

2.[ubn]有益于健康的good for your health

a healthy diet/cpmate/pfestyle对健康有益的饮食╱气候╱生活方式

3.[ubn]反映健康的showing that you are in good health

to have a healthy appetite胃口好

a shampoo that keeps hair looking healthy护发洗发剂

4.正常合理的normal and sensible

The child showed a healthy curiosity.这孩子的好奇心很正常。

She has a healthy respect for her rival's talents.她很有风度地尊重对手的才能。

It's not healthy the way she cpngs to the past.她那种沉湎于过去的态度不明智。

5.兴旺的;发达的;顺利的successful and working well

a healthy economy繁荣的经济

Your car doesn't sound very healthy.你的车听声音好像不很正常。

6.[ubn]大而显得成功的;可观的large and showing success

a healthy bank balance一大笔银行结余

a healthy profit丰厚的利润


adj.1.physically strong and not sick; helping you to stay physically strong and not sick; showing that you are physically strong and not sick2.working well and pkely to continue to be successful3.a healthy amount of money is a large amount4.a healthy attitude is good and sensible1.physically strong and not sick; helping you to stay physically strong and not sick; showing that you are physically strong and not sick2.working well and pkely to continue to be successful3.a healthy amount of money is a large amount4.a healthy attitude is good and sensible

1.健康的 lots of 大量;许多 healthy adj. 健康的;强健的 dessert n. (饭后的)甜食 ...

2.健壮的 health n. 健康,卫生 healthy a. 健康的,健壮的 heap n. 堆 ...

3.有益健康的 have a try 试一试 healthy 健康的;有益健康的 hear 听见;听到 ...

4.身体健康 go skateboarding 去划板 6. healthy 身体健康 7. as for 至于 9. ...

5.有益于健康的 health n. 健康,卫生 healthy a. 健康的;有益于健康的 heap n. (一)堆;许多 ...

6.保持健康 ... get/be injured 受伤 14 keep fit/healthy 保持健康 20 be worried/anxious about 为……而担忧 29 ...

7.健康的,健壮的 health n. 健康,健康状况;卫生 healthy a. 健康的,健壮的;有益健康的,卫生的 heap n. (一)堆,大量,许多 ...


1.Since 2007, our cooperation has always been a friendly, frank, healthy, mutual respect and constructive.七年以来,我们的合作一直是友善、坦诚、稳健、互敬和富有建设性的。

2.As the communication channel between the company and distributors, to build up a healthy and orderly business environment.作为公司与经销商之间的沟通桥梁,建立健康有序的业务环境。

3.Eisenhower had an almost pathological, but healthy, fear that he might be blamed for allowing the nation to fall into another depression.艾森豪威尔几乎限于一种近乎于病态,但还算是未雨绸缪的焦虑之中:害怕他会被归咎于使国家限于另一次大萧条之中。

4.Although Cosway prices its products comparatively lower in the market, the company is still able to maintain a healthy margin.虽然其产品价格相对科斯韦在市场低,公司仍然能够保持一个健康的保证金。

5.Tamiflu, the drug used to treat influenza, did not help any of the previously healthy young men and women get better any quicker.治疗流感使用的药物达菲(Tamiflu),并未帮助患病前体格健康的年轻人更迅速地痊愈。

6."No one understands how this could have happened to someone as healthy as her, " her mother-in-law said at the time.“没有人能想到一切会发生在像她这么健康的人身上,”她的岳母当时说道。

7."Here you think you're feeding your child a great, healthy meal, " Dennis Krause said sadly. "But here I was, poisoning him. "“你本来想你正在给你的孩子喂非常健康的食物,”丹尼斯·克劳斯杯悲伤的说。“但是恰恰相反,那些东西是毒药。”

8.even though roses are beautiful , sometimes we need ginseng to eat , to enjoy , to feel healthy , to make a medicine out of it.但有时我们需要吃人参享受人参,来使自己觉得健康,或拿它来制药。

9.So if you're trying to incorporate more heart- healthy whole grains into your diet, Quinoa is a great place to start.所以如果你正试图增加更多的健康谷物到你的饮食的话,藜麦是一个很好的开端。

10.No matter what age or how healthy you are, make sure you make preparations for your cat if you become unable to care for her.无论你年龄几何、身体安否,如果不能继续照顾它,请保证你已为你的猫咪做好准备。