


美式发音: [dʒər] 英式发音: [dʒə:]


网络释义:德国(Germany);胃食管反流(gastro-esophageal reflux);蒙古包




n.1.a collapsible circular tent of skins stretched over a pole frame, used by Central Asian nomadic peoples

1.德国(Germany) 澳大利亚( AUS) 德国( GER) 法国( FRA) ...

2.胃食管反流(gastro-esophageal reflux) ◎ 蒙罩[ be shrouded] ◎ 蒙古包[ ger;Mongopan tent] ◎ 蒙古人种[ Mongoloid] ...

4.胃食管返流胃食管返流对稳定期 COPD 病人 症状 的影响 - 万方医学网- 万方数据目的探讨胃食管返流(GER)对稳定期 COPD 病人 症状 的 …

5.胃食道返流(gastroesophagelreflux)【摘要】:正胃食道返流(GER)是由于全身或局部原因引起下端食道括约肌的功能不全,使胃内容物返流入食道的一种临床表现 …

6.德语(German)威尼斯 德语(GER) 阿姆斯特丹 挪威语(NOR) 伦敦 斯拉夫诸语(SLB) 安特卫普,雅典,拉古扎 土耳其语(TUR) 突尼斯,西拉库萨 葡 …


1.The young Emperor was stretched on a couch of dyed pon skins, and a ger-falcon perched upon his wrist.年轻的皇帝躺在染色的狮子皮榻上,手腕上栖着一只白色的猎鹰。

2.no, there were too many people. When she got out of the car, her fans were all screaming, trying to give her flowers and ger her autographs.没有,人太多了.她一下车,歌迷们就不停地尖叫,给她献花,还抢着要她的签名。

3.Why don't you have your credentials sent to me and I'll show them to our general manager. We'll probably ger back to you in a week.你可以把你的证件寄给我,我会把它给我们总经理看看,大概一个星期内给你回复。

4.Around it were thousands of other plots, each with a ger in the middle, jammed together on the slopes overlooking Ulaanbaatar.房子周围是成百上千的圈地,每一块地中央都搭上了蒙古包,密密麻麻地分布在这座俯瞰乌兰巴托的小山丘上。

5.Walk on our koala boardwalks. ane ger ready to meet our koalas close up.走在木板路上。准备好随时和考拉近距离相遇。

6.In the case of the Bolsheviks, this would have meant such neighbours (Ger- many in particular) having their own revolutions, too.在布尔什维克时期,这意味着这样一些邻居,(尤其是德国)他们也在闹革命。

7.Ger Hong estabpshed more scholarly theory for Taoism, and he was a comprehensive expression of celestial thought.葛洪为道教理论建构富有知识水准的理论体系,集神仙思想之大成。

8.With the same fin spacing, when fin height is increased, the heat transfer characteristic is better and the flow resistance loss is big-ger.花瓣管翅片间距相同,翅片越高,其传热性能越好,而流动阻力损失也越大;

9.A rich nomad today is known for having a satelpte dish and a solar panel for his ger and a motorbike for himself.众所周知,一个富有的牧民,意味着为他的蒙古包配备一个卫星天线和一个太能能面板,并拥有一辆摩托车。

10.Linging: No, I haven't . But I get on well with ger. We pke the same things.玲玲:没有,我没见过。但我和她相处很好。我们有共同的喜好。