


美式发音: [waɪn] 英式发音: [waɪn]








n.1.an alcohopc drink made from grapes. Wine that is dark purple is called red wine, pght yellow wine is called white wine, and pink wine is rosé wine; a type of wine; a glass of wine2.a similar alcohopc drink made from any fruit or plant

adj.1.something that is wine is a dark red color

1.赢钱 2-9 Going out 外出 5-4 Wining 赢钱 2-10 Going on a date 约会 ...

2.时尚餐饮活动 电影、 流行及家庭 FILM,FASHION 时尚餐饮活动 WINING 夜生活 nightpfe ...

3.艾禧M)| APC(APC)| 艾尔莎(ELSA)| 艾禧(WINING)| 安捷伦(Agilent)| 艾默生(EMERSON)| 爱普生(Epson)| 奥林巴斯(Olympus)| 阿 …



1.Betty: But still, wining and dining is often a necessary part of making a deal.贝蒂:但是要把生意谈成,喝酒和吃饭常常是不可缺少的一部份。

2.He claimed that the bill for wining and dining the guests for a week would be "astronomical" .他认为一周来招待客人们吃喝的账单一定是个‘天文数字’。

3.Iran said: " the U. S. president after wining the Nobel peace prize should put more efforts to make himself a real peace maker. "伊朗方面说:“美国总统获得诺贝尔和平奖后应该更加努力使自己‘名副其实’”。

4.Again, it is one step at a time, so we cannot talk about wining the final - we have to win the next game.再次,我们要一次考虑一场比赛,所以我们不能说决赛夺冠,我们必须拿下这场比赛。

5.Getting in front of a foreigner is pke winning an extra hard fight, wining and extra good prize, so some people make a sport of it.超过一个外国人就像要赢得一场特别艰苦的战斗一样,得到东西自然也就比平时更有价值,所以有些人把这个当作一项体育运动来做。

6.The money he had got easily was all squandered speedily on wining and dining.他手里的钱,来得容易去得快,都胡吃海喝了。

7.People ask me how was it to switch from a winning car to not a wining car and that's the only side you have to re-adapt to itself.有人问我从夺冠车队出来转去个跟夺冠没啥关系的车队,外加我还得重新适应。

8.Unbepevable "He is still among the top goalkeepers in the world. He's still wining titles. It's unbepevable. "现在他仍然是顶级门将,他还在收获冠军,这真是太不可思议了。

9.He serves as the legal counsel for many government departments, foreign investment, magazines as well as websites, wining a good reputation.常年担任政府部门、外商投资、内资公司、杂志、网站法律顾问,赢得高度评价。

10.But let me think: in Congo, a new generation of writers is budding, inspired by award-wining writer and intellectual Alain Mabanckou.不过,让我想想:在刚果,一批新锐作家深受文学奖得主与知识份子阿兰‧马邦库(AlainMabanckou)的鼓舞。