


美式发音: [ˈmɑrvələs] 英式发音: [ˈmɑː(r)vələs]





adj.+n.marvellous opportunity





1.极好的;非凡的extremely good; wonderful

This will be a marvellous opportunity for her.这对她可是千载难逢的机会。

The weather was marvellous.天气棒极了。

It's marvellous what modern technology can do.现代技术所能做的真是太了不起了。




na.1.The variant of marvelous

1.神妙 神秘莫测〖 mystery〗 神妙〖 wonderful;marvellous;ingenious〗 神明〖 gods〗 ...

2.了不起的 C•P•A,cpa, 是注册会计师。 marvellous 绝妙的;了不起的 gorgeous 华丽的, 灿烂的 ...

3.惊人的 (manoeuvre) 机动;运用,操作; v.机动 (marvellous) 惊人的,奇迹般的,妙极的 (meanwhile) 其间,其时 ...

4.奇异的 marvel n. 奇迹 v.惊奇 marvellous adj. 奇异的,绝妙的 Marxism n. 马克思主义 ...

5.不可思议的 lead—— 领先 marvellous—— 不可思议的 noticeable—— 引人注目的 ...

6.绝妙的 marvel n. 奇迹 v.惊奇 marvellous adj. 奇异的,绝妙的 Marxism n. 马克思主义 ...

7.奇迹般的 mark n.标记,符号;分数 marvellous a.奇迹般的;了不起的 mass n.团,堆;大量;质量; ...

8.奇妙 奇丽〖 singularandbeautiful〗 奇妙marvellous;wonderful〗 奇妙〖 intriguing;marvelous〗 ...


1.He was only ill the last two years and he was totally clear right up to the end, the most marvellous company.他在最后两年才得了病,但整个人神志非常清醒,仍然是了不起的伴侣。

2."Liverpool had such a marvellous group of players. It was no surprise the trophies kept coming. " Kenny Dalgpsh.“利物浦拥有一群了不起的球员,所以不断的获得战利品没有任何令人惊讶之处。”肯尼-达格利什。

3.The man answered and said unto them, Why herein is a marvellous thing, that ye know not from whence he is, and yet he hath opened mine eyes.那人回答说,他开了我的眼睛,你们竟不知道他从那里来,这真是奇怪。

4.Thank you to the thousands of marvellous volunteers. Your competency, your kindness and your smiles are worthy of a gold medal!感谢我们的志愿者,你们的工作能力、热情、微笑为你们赢得了金牌。

5.That, it is not too pompous to say, would in the long run be a marvellous advance in the human condition.可以好不浮夸的说,这将很长时期人类生存状况的一个了不起的进步。

6.It would be marvellous if you could find such a conscience less, immoral, inhuman, and law free job.如果你能找一份这种没有良心、没有道德、没有人性、不顾法律的工作,你就很爽了。

7.And I am looking forward to see meteor with my own eyes. That must be marvellous and magnificent.我也一直期待着能够亲眼看看流星雨,那一定是世界上非常壮观,非常美丽的景象。

8.Hallward painted away with that marvellous bold touch of his, that had the true refinement and perfect depcacy in art.哈尔伍德以他那种惊人而大胆的笔触作画,这种艺术手法极端洗炼而又精巧。

9.He never struck me as such a marvellous treasure.我从来没有想到他是这么一个稀奇的宝贝。

10.A British security consultant kidnapped six days ago by gunmen in Somapa has described his release as marvellous, Save the Children says.拯救儿童组织称,六天前被索马里持枪歹徒劫持的英国安全顾问形容对他的释放不可思议。