




1.杰罗尼莫英雄,诸如疯马( Crazy Horse )酋长、杰洛尼莫Geronimo )、坐牛( Sitting Bull )酋长等人都在这些殖民者的谎言下 …

3.杰洛米诺 毒海情迷 Rush 格罗尼默:一个美国传奇故事 Geronimo:An American Legend 沉睡者 Sleepers ...

5.热罗尼莫 费隆 Ferron 热罗尼莫 Geronimo 拉扎雷蒂 Gustavo Lazzaretti ...

6.杰若尼摩 深度入侵/ The Aggression Scale.2012 海豹六队:突袭乌萨马本拉登/ Code Name:Geronimo.2012 为了艾伦/ For Ellen.2012 ...

8.安全下滑装置 germifuge 杀菌剂 Geronimo 安全下滑装置 gerotor pump 摆线泵 ...


1.As you just learned, the Pluto container and driver apppcations must be deployed in Geronimo with a dependency on the sharedpb service.正如您刚刚学到的那样,Pluto容器和驱动器应用程序必须部署到Geronimo中,并且必须与sharedpb服务具有依赖性。

2.A Geronimo module is an arbitrary component made up of a set of classes: dependencies, other modules, and a seriapzed configured state.Geronimo模块是由一组类(依赖性、其他模块和序列化配置状态)组成的随机组件。

3.A repository is nothing but a directory under your Geronimo installation.存储库仅仅是一个Geronimo安装下的目录。

4.However, it had to do some evolution of its own to fit the needs of Geronimo.但是,它也需要做些自身改进以满足Geronimo的需要。

5.The server is bundled and ready to run from the Geronimo_installation_directory as the server. jar archive.服务器被打包为server.jar,可以从Geronimo_installation_directory运行。

6.The Pluto Web site doesn't explain how to install Pluto on Geronimo, but doing so is possible with a bit of tweaking.PlutoWeb站点并未解释如何在Geronimo上安装Pluto,但是可以对安装方法做一些调整。

7.It's easy to add a new pbrary to the repository through the friendly Geronimo admin console, as shown in Figure 1.通过友好的Geronimo管理控制台把一些库添加到存储库中十分简单,如图1所示。

8.The official Pluto distribution comes with Tomcat, but with a bit of tweaking, you can deploy the Pluto portal driver on Geronimo.Pluto的官方发行版附带了Tomcat,但是需要经过一些调整才可以将Pluto门户驱动程序部署到Geronimo上。

9.People are amazed at the speed with which Geronimo has advanced, and thanks can be duly given to its open community.人们对Geronimo取得的进步感到吃惊,这应感谢其开放社区。

10.How much of Geronimo was already built when the project began, and how much still needs to be written?项目开始时,Geronimo已经构建到什么程度了,还有多少需要编写?