




1.达成协议 一天中最热的时候 reach agreement 达成协议 reach an agreement 达成一致 get nowhere with ...

2.达成一致 455. reach agreement 达成协议 456. reach an agreement 达成一致 457. regardless of 不顾,不 …

3.达成共识 提案 Submit a proposal 达成共识 Reach an agreement 深入创作 Thorough creation ...

4.达成一致意见 ... reach a conclusion 得出一个结论 reach an agreement 达成一致意见 reached their destination 到达他们的目的 …

5.取得一致意见,达成共识 reach for 伸手去拿 reach an agreement 达成协议;取得一致意见,达成共识 out of reach 够不着 ...

6.达成一项协议 ... be due to 预定,定于 reach an agreement 达成一项协议 pressure on 在...身上的压力 ...

7.一致并达成协议 6 in ruins 在废墟中 7 reach an agreement 达成一个共识 8 cover sth with sth 用某物盖住某物 ...


1.He said the consequences of a failure to reach an agreement in Copenhagen could be "far reaching and long term" .他表示,如果在哥本哈根不能达成协定,后果可能是“影响深远和长期的”。

2.American officials had once viewed Mr. Obama's visit here this week as a deadpne to reach an agreement over the matter.美国官员曾经将奥巴马此次访日视为两国就此签订协议的最终期限。

3.People close to the matter said both parties still hope to reach an agreement.知情人士说,双方仍希望能达成一项协议。

4.We would be happy to reach an agreement with you and your local institutions.我们很乐意与你和你的学校达成协议。

5.The plan was that the two parties should first reach an agreement on the basic principle, the details to be worked out later.计划是两党首先在基本原则上达成一致,细节以后再解决。

6.Negotiation is a course that at least two groups of people trying to reach an agreement with the others for their own benefit.谈判是一个过程,至少双方都是为了他们各自的利益试图与他人达成一项协议。

7.In this respect, it is possible to get a quick collection of compensation and that parties may reach an agreement on an insurance contract.在这一方面,人们不难迅速得到一笔补偿基金或者各方就一项保险理赔达成一项协议。

8.The president said he remains hopeful. "If I was a betting man, [I would say] we will reach an agreement with the Iraqis, " he added.但是布什说,他依然对谈判抱有希望。他说:“如果让我赌,我会说,我们会和伊拉克达成协议。”

9.But the spokesman refused to acknowledge and Ismail talks with Libyan officials said the contact did not reach an agreement.但这名发言人拒绝承认与伊斯梅尔谈判,称与利比亚官员的接触没有达成协议。

10.The two sides talked around-the-clock, trying to reach an agreement before the approaching deadpne.双方夜以继日地谈判,努力在最后期限来临之前达成协议。星期一是美国法定假日哥伦比亚日。