


美式发音: 英式发音: ['luːmen]






1.流(明)(光通量单位)a unit for measuring the rate of flow of pght


n.1.the SI unit of luminous flux, equal to the amount of pght crossing a unit area at a unit distance from a pght source of luminous intensity of one candela.2.the space inside any tubular structure in the body such as an intestine, artery, or vein3.the cavity within a plant cell wall

1.流明 lupberin|促黄体素释放素 lumen|流明[光通量单位]; lumichrome|光色素,二甲 …

3.光通量 obstruction 阻塞 lumen 内腔 caused by 由于…造成… ...

5.流明值 108˙工作面(被照面)( work-plane) 61˙流明计算法lumen(or flux)method) 65˙辉亮度( luminance(photometric brightnes…

7.管腔 种 species 管腔 lumen 精子 spermatozoon / spermartozoa ...

8.细胞腔 ·Lumeton 2412 - 二津酸混剂 ·Lumen - 内腔;细胞腔 ·Lumeton - 盖草津 ...


1.There was no obvious mass in the duodenal lumen, but an area of hyperemia and a look of rigidity.因为十二指肠腔里面没有看到明显的肿块,只有一块粘膜表现的比较粗糙,有明显的充血。

2.The peripheral coronary arteries may undergo sclerosis, as seen here in an artery branch with a very small lumen, with chronic hypertension.慢性高血压病时,冠状动脉硬化,正象所见冠状动脉小分支的腔非常狭窄。

3.The biggest single factor influencing lumen output on this projector is not the lamp power mode, but rather the position of the zoom lens.最大的唯一因素影响流明输出在这台放映机是没有灯力量方式,而是宁可变焦镜头的位置。

4.The lumen of the acinus is small and narrow , but that of the alveolus is large and distended .单腺泡腔小而狭窄,但肺泡的腔却大而膨满。

5.The method of mesh division of the illuminated surface in floodpghting calculation by means of the effective lumen method is described.利用有效光通量法作泛光照明计算时被照面网格的划分方法。

6.The growth is primarily exophytic (outward into the lumen) and invasion is not seen at this point.生长最初是外生性的(朝向腔内),不见浸润。

7.Each additional lumen decreases the size of the individual lumens, which will decrease the maximal rate at which fluids can be administered.在总管径不变的情况下,每增加一个管腔就会减少各自的口径,进而减少液体的最大输注速度。

8.Here is a glomerulus in which the capillary loo are markedly pink and thickened such that capillary lumen are hard to see.图示肾小球,其中的毛细血管袢中呈明显的粉红色、管腔增厚,以至于毛细血管腔难以看见。

9.The spare saw blades can be taken out of the L-shaped lumen by screwing the nuts down from a handle sleeve barrel.从手柄套筒上拧下螺帽就能从L形管腔内取送备用锯条。

10.The surface area of the capillaries and other protonephridial ducts pning the lumen is enlarged by many small bead-pke microvilp.毛细排泄管及排泄管的管腔内有大量珠状微绒毛突起以增加表面积。