



1.His wife's hopday shopping will get way out of hand.他太太喜欢在假期购物,到了无法控制的地步。

2.Gordon: I get way too much junk mails sent to my house in the USA.戈登:我在美国的家总是能收到大量的垃圾邮件。

3.Quick players stay ahead and can get way from slow players!速度快的球员保持着自己的速度并超越防守球员!

4.Like how you get way more into your Super Mario game when the 'time running out' music starts to play.就像当“时间用完了”的音乐开始播放,你会以怎样的方式更快地完成你的超级马里奥游戏。

5.How did you get way over there to be born?你是怎么跑到那里出生的呢?

6.Are you sure you will get way with this hat?你确定你要戴着这顶帽子出门吗?

7.get way from your home从你的家里离开

8.He didn't get way with murder他没有从谋杀指控中脱身