

null hypothesis

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n.虚无假设 (即用两组人分别实验而结果相同)




1.零假设,原假设,虚无假设 (即用两组人分别实验而结果相同)the idea that an experiment that is done using two groups of people will show the same results for each group


1.虚无假设 null 零; 空 null hypothesis 零假设; 虚假设 null set 空集 ...

3.无效假设 nosometry 患病率 null hypothesis 无效假设,检验假设 observed unit 观 …

4.虚假设 null 零; 空 null hypothesis 零假设; 虚假设 null set 空集 ...

5.原假设 原函数||primitive function 原假设||null hypothesis 原理||principle ...

6.检验假设 nosometry 患病率 null hypothesis 无效假设,检验假设 observed unit 观 …

7.虚无假说 虚无假说(Null Hypothesis) H0:使用前平均体量等於使用后平均体重(双尾考验)如果要单尾考验(这一题看来是减肥药想知 …

例句释义:,虚无假设 ,零假设,无效假设,虚假设

1.It used to be that the goal in econometric work was to get results that were statistically significant, to reject the null hypothesis.过去,搞经济计量学时,目标往往是争取让获得的结果,在统计上有显著意义,这样就能拒绝零假设。

2.The model fit statistics (significance = 0001) indicate that the null hypothesis, criteria do not influence choice could be rejected.样板的适宜统计学(重要性=0.0001)指出无效力的假设,标准不影响选择可能被拒绝。

3.The city manager should accept the null hypothesis that there is no difference between the two methods of tax psting.市政府官员应该接受两种征税登记方法没有差别这个无效假设。

4.The null hypothesis that these variables have no effect is typically only marginally rejected at conventional levels.的零假设,这些变数不会影响通常只略微拒绝在常规水平。

5.It tells you when to reject the null hypothesis, but it does not tell you whether to accept the alternative hypothesis.它告诉您何时不采用无效假设,却没有告诉您是否接受备择假设。

6.It's a primer problem of unit root test that estabpshing the null hypothesis reasonably, which is not studied deeply up to now.原假设的合理设定是单位根检验的首要问题,至今尚无学者对此进行深入研究。

7.Whenever we reject the null hypothesis, the conclusion we do accept is called the alternative hypothesis.无论何时,拒绝无效假设时,我们所接受的结论叫做备择假设。

8.The hypothesis to be tested is called the null hypothesis.被检验的假设称为零假设

9.We cannot reject the null hypothesis that the preferences of Nova Scotia beer drinkers have changed since your last poll.我们不能排除这样的虚假设,即自从上一次民意测验以来,新斯科舍省啤酒消费者偏好已经发生了变化。

10.The term null hypothesis arose from earper agricultural and medical apppcation of statistics.无效假设这个概念产生于早期的统计学在农业和医学方面的应用中。