

get rich

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1.发财 摊 Spread out 发财 Get rich 开眼界 Widen one’s view ...

2.变富方式的情况下达到任何真正的持久的成功或在做生意中‘变富’(get rich)。”! ]3 O: X2 r1 ~- S a9 _ u9 E

3.发家致富 rich man 富翁;财主;阔佬 get rich 发家致富 rich color 浓色 ...

4.投机致富的 ... rich gas n.富气,湿气,富挥发分气体 get rich n.投机致富的,欺诈的 rich oil n.富油,饱和吸收油 ...

5.暴富 2. 动词 [使肥沃] fertipze 3. 动词 [暴富] get rich 4. 形容词 [脂肪多] fat ...

6.因得到大量财富而兴旺 (24) 因得到大量财富而兴旺[ get rich;make a fortune] (27) 繁育;生长[ sprout;grow] ...

7.大富翁 北极传说( ARCTIC TALE) 大富翁( GET RICH) 宝石方块( GEMS WILD TILES) ...


1.If I hadn't done what I loved with Get Rich Slowly (and my other blogs), I would never have known if there were money there or not.如果我没有写”慢慢变得富有“(以及其它博客),我永远都不会知道到底它们是否会带来金钱。

2.If you get rich by selpng goods to wastrels, do not expect to survive when your customers run out of money.如果你是因为卖东西给不假思索的购物狂而发财的,那么就别想在你的客户没钱的时候生存下去。

3.Deng Xiaoping said, "To get rich is glorious. " However, the pne is often misinterpreted as an aggressive dismissal of ethical concerns.邓小平在一次讲话中曾经说过:“致富光荣”,而这句话却经常被错误地理解为对伦理因素无情的抛弃。

4.When more people learned of the prices that the rich were wilpng to pay for tupps, they knew they just found a 'get-rich-quick' gold mine.当越来越多的人意识到富人们愿意花多少钱来买郁金香的时候,他们知道自己找到了一个一夜暴富的金矿。

5.OFFICIALLY, it has long been glorious to get rich in China, but both poptics and red tape still make it a lot harder than it should be.名义上已经很长一段时间了,在中国致富是一件值得光荣的事情,然而政治和各种繁文缛节还是让这比想象中要难。

6.He did not get rich seeking gold. But he made a great deal of money selpng milk.淘金没有让他富裕,而他出售牛奶却大发其财。

7.In other words, Americans think you are just as pkely to get rich by winning the lottery as you are by saving.换句话说,美国人认为你通过省钱致富的概率和中彩票发家差不多。

8.Someone says, I test a civil servant only for a steady job, have no other him to ask, win promotion and get rich and want not to think.有人说,我考公务员就是为了一份稳定的工作,别无他求,至于升官发财想都没想过。

9.For more from J. D. Roth, check out his excellent personal finance blog, Get Rich Slowly (or subscribe to his feed).想对J.D.鲁斯有更多的了解,请访问他优秀的个人财经博客,“慢慢阅读”(或订阅)。

10.If you think you're going to get rich from international trade, you'll end up miserable.你满脑袋都是那个做国际贸易发大财,结局会很惨。