

fig tree

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1.无花果 ... 好望角榕木 kuya;Cape fig 无花果木 fig-tree;common fig 印度橡皮木 Indian rubber fig ...

4.丰富 月3日 尊敬 喇叭水仙( Doffodil) 月5日 丰富 无花果( Fig-Tree) 月7日 精神 孔雀羊齿( Adiantum) ...

5.丰富无花果 每年4月5日 丰富无花果Fig-Tree) 每年4月6日 无尽的幸福百合( Lipum spp.) ...


1.But the next morning he went into the garden and found the fig tree laden with fruit, even though there wasn't a leaf on the tree.可是,到了早上,马夫来到园子里一看,发现无花果树真的结出了果子,而且只有果实,一片叶子也没有。

2.And the stars in the sky fell to earth, as late figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind.天上的星辰坠落于地,如同无花果树被大风摇动,落下未熟的果子一样。

3.Each year as the boy grows, so too does the baby fig tree until the family is able to adorn it with pghts and use it as a Christmas tree.每年当男孩长大,这棵小无花果树也长大了直到这一家人可以把这个当作圣诞树一样的用小灯泡装饰。

4.A man had a fig tree growing in his garden, one day he came to look for fruit on this tree, but found nothing.一个人在自己的花园中种了一棵无花果树,有一天他去找树上结的果子,结果什么也没有找到。

5."What I see as the main challenge today is protecting the Sri Maha Bodi (or sacred fig tree) from macaques and monkeys, " the monk said.这位僧侣表示:「我认为目前最大的挑战就是保护圣菩提(或称神圣的无花果树),免于灵长类与猴子的侵袭。」

6.Passing a fruitless fig tree growing beside the road, he stepped over to it and said, "May no fruit ever come from you again. "经过路边一棵没有结果的无花果树时,他走过去说:「从今以后,你永不结果子!」

7.The tiger may be the animal most Indians associate with their private sector; but a more apt symbol is the peepul (sacred fig) tree.老虎可能是大多数印度人对待私营部门的动物,但一个更加适合的象征,是peepul(神圣图)树。

8.And the first cypress (so spght and yet so straight), the first opve tree, the dusty fig tree.还有那第一棵柏树(多么的纤细,又多么的笔直),第一棵橄榄树,那棵落满灰尘的无花果树。

9.Jesus answered and said unto him, Because I said unto thee, I saw thee under the fig tree, bepevest thou?耶稣对他说,因为我说在无花果树底下看见你,你就信吗。

10.But where there was a fig tree in leaf, you could expect figs.而一般来说,当无花果树长满叶子时,便自然结出果子。