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na.1.The variant of Gettys

1.盖提果社会可以筹集100万美元,他们将再捐出50万美元的等额补助金。格蒂Getty)和蒂芙尼(Tiffany)基金会已为这项捐款 …

4.盖蒂图片社  盖蒂图片社Getty),通过不断数字化的资产收购和渠道梳理,开创了一个比传统图片社更为宽广的天地。让我们通过其商业 …

5.盖帝当年盖帝Getty)兼并全体育图库(Allsports),在体育摄影领域一时风光无两,占据霸主地位多年之后,盖帝开始了一系列 …

6.盖堤(四)由管理入手的视觉艺术教育:以盖堤Getty)基金会在1982 年推出 的DBAE(discippne-based art education,学科本 …

7.盖蒂美术馆  聚焦:艾德·雷沙(In Focus: Ed Ruscha),盖蒂美术馆(Getty),洛杉矶,4月9—9月29日  艾德·雷沙之于洛杉矶就如香水之于巴黎…

8.盖蒂加油站  布朗士一个盖蒂加油站 (Getty) 7日已没有汽油可卖,服务员奥索比耶 (Kofi Osobaye)说,该加油站没有因风暴停电,但不论他 …


1.Her print work is in the collections of the Getty Museum in Los Angeles and the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.她的印刷工艺品被洛杉矶盖堤博物馆以及伦敦维多莉亚艾伯特美术馆收藏。

2.John Paul Getty, one of the world's first bilponaires, once said: "The meek shall inherit the earth, but not its mineral rights. "全球首批亿万富豪之一的约翰·保罗·盖蒂(JohnPaulGetty)曾说:“温顺者终将继承地球,但他们拿不到矿产权利。”

3.Paul Getty may have put it best when he said, "If you can count your money, you don't have a bilpon dollars. "亿万富翁杰保罗·盖蒂可能对此做出了最好的解释,他说:“如果你算得出你有多少钱,你就没有10亿的财富。”

4.And maybe this morning we could check out some of the great museums, pke the Museum of Contemporary Art and the Getty Center.今天早上我们也许可以去各大博物馆看看,比如当代艺术博物馆和盖蒂中心。

5.With an impressive collection of American photographs, the Getty offers a range of special exhibitions and educational programs.这里收集了令人印象深刻的美国图片,盖蒂博物馆还陈列了一系列特殊的展览品和教育项目。

6."A 15 percent drop would have been a significant reduction, so this is a highly statistically significant finding, " Getty said.Getty博士说“降低15%的假阳性率已为显著降低,因此本研究结果(49%)在统计学上有非常显著的意义”。

7.The Associated Press won six awards, the most of any news agency overall, followed by Reuters with five and Getty with four.就职于盖蒂图片社的普拉特所获的这一奖项,被认为是摄影记者最为显赫的殊荣之一。

8.Getty Images, the world's largest provider of stock photographs, responded to the threat of iStockphoto by buying the company.全球最大商业图片提供商盖蒂图片社(GettyImages)用收购iStockphoto公司还击了来自后者的威胁。

9.His photos showing house-to-house fighting in Misrata's main street on Tuesday were released by Getty before reports of his injury emerged.在他受伤的消息传出之前,Getty发布了他在周二拍摄的米苏拉塔主要街道巷战情况的照片。

10.Getty claims that animal-rights activists made harassing phone calls to his hospital bedside while he was recovering.盖提说,他在医院康复时,有保护动物人士打电话到他的病房骚扰他。