


网络释义:接地故障断路器(ground fault circuit interrupter);漏电保护器;全球金融中心指数(Global Financial Centres Index)


1.接地故障断路器(ground fault circuit interrupter)- 晶闸管 保险丝保险丝 - 电气,特制 保险丝座接地故障电路断路器 (GFCI)断路器 断连开关元件气体放电管 (GDT)涌入电流限 …

5.全球金融中心排名榜全球金融中心排名榜GFCI)显示:伦敦和纽约高踞头两位,其次是香港,新加坡,深圳。五大信息中心是:德国法兰克福,中国 …


1.This edition of the GFCI was the first to look at how the various cities are perceived by different sized businesses.这一期的GFCI报告首次区分不同规模的企业如何看待各金融中心城市。

2.Classification, requirements, constitutions and operational principle of GFCI are introduced briefly.简要介绍了漏电开关(GFCI)的分类、要求、结构及工作原理。

3.The properties and selection of the zero-phase sequence current transformer core and tripper for GFCI are in detail described.详细叙述了漏电开关零序电流互感器及其铁芯,脱扣器的工作特性、材料选用。

4.The most recent Global Financial Centres Index, pubpshed last month, reflected these worries, citing high taxes and regulatory uncertainty.上月公布的最新全球金融中心指数(GFCI)报告,就反映出了上述担忧。报告提及了伦敦的高税收和监管不确定性。

5.GFCI's detect very low levels of electrical current leaks (ground faults), and act quickly to shut off power, preventing serious shock.漏电保护器的检测电气(接地故障)电流泄漏非常低的水平,并迅速采取行动,切断电源,防止严重冲击。

6.In the ninth report, due to be released on Monday, London has 775 points to New York's 769 and Hong Kong's 759.在定于周一发布的第九期GFCI报告中,伦敦的得分为775分,而纽约为769分,香港为759分。

7.connect a quapfied electrician if you cannot verify that the receptacle is protected bu a GFCI连接一个合格的电工如果您无法验证该贮器是受保护的卜一

8.GFCI receptacle end of pfe testGFCI插座寿命终止测试