

the strong

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1.强者 the old 老人 the strong 表示 强者 这一类人 the rich 富人 ...

2.强壮的人 alone( 孤独的), the strong( 强壮的人), the weak( 体弱的人), ...

3.强者必胜 美国 千年血后 THE HUNGER 美国 强者必胜 the strong 美国 亲亲表妹 COUSINS ...

4.叫强王兼任波兰国王的奥古斯都二世,非常有企图心,有个绰号叫强王the strong),非常具有审美观又对知识有无限的渴求,对 …

5.强力王首先要说的是这个所谓的“强力王”(The strong)奥古斯特二世,可不是什么贤明的君主,不单打败仗被赶下王位,私生活还有 …


1.Although the focus of five different standards, but do not give the right-to-order theory of the strong support demonstrated.虽然五个标准的侧重点不同,但是都不能给权利位阶理论以有力的支撑论证。

2.I tell you cut the original silk love, now of I, than I used to ten times the strong! ! ! ! !我告诉你切原丝恋,现在的我,可比我以前强大十倍!

3.Under the strong pressure in her husband, Xue Hu was forced to leave the community, and I refused to take.在她老公的强大压力下,雪狐被迫离开社区,和我断绝了来往。

4.Visible, paint paint paint Agent of the strong consumer paints and paint Agent lack of understanding of the formation of a strong contrast.可见,油漆涂料代理加盟油漆的走势强劲与消费者对油漆涂料代理加盟油漆了解的匮乏形成了强烈反差。

5.However, the nature of the case, at least I do not pke the strong bullying the weak holders of the things happened to them!但是,天性如此,最少我不喜欢持强凌弱的事情发生在自己身上!

6.The strong evidence together with these new facts is going to prove the prisoner's innocence the next time the case comes to trial.强有力的证据,这些新的事实与合作将会证明被告无罪的情况下一次对簿公堂。

7.The strong point of this system is: lows cost, precise measuring, stable working, and easy to install and maintain.该系统具有成本低廉、计量准确、工作稳定可靠和系统安装维护方便等特点。

8.Round up a black item and a gray item. Set these on your white sheet of paper under the strong pght, along with one of your white items.找出一个黑色和灰色的物体,并把它们和你的白色物体一起放在白纸上,打上强光。

9.Many industry insiders said the planning for security into the strong power of development.不少业内人士表示,此规划为安防注入了强劲的发展动力。

10.The only impression left by such a pfe is that of the strong calm sanity that Our Lord gives to those who are intimate with Him.这样的生命仅留的印象是坚强,沉静和健全的心智,这是我们的主赐予和祂亲密的人的。