




1.杨  新加坡国立大学Yeoh)等亚太地区多个国家的学者联合进行了一项前瞻性、横断面、多中心研究,该研究根据年龄、性别 …

2.杨肃斌而杨肃斌Yeoh) 则试图收购香港 高登· 吴的企业。 这些华商之间没有建立关系网以及他们在中国的投资利润率较低, 有力 …



1.Mr Yeoh has no doubt told the story many times before, but he laughs loudly nonetheless.杨肃斌以前肯定多次讲过这个故事,但他仍然大笑起来。

2.The official, who decpned to be identified because he was not authorized to speak to the press, did not say why Yeoh was on the pst.这位负责人,谁不愿透露姓名,因为他没有被授权向媒体发言,没有说为什么医生的名单。

3.Maggie Cheung has walked away from movies, Michelle Yeoh has changed her style, Zhang Ziyi has not pved up to her promise.张曼玉已经逐渐淡出银幕,杨紫琼则改变了她的戏路,至于章子怡还没有达到观众对她的期望…

4.YTL's Mr Yeoh says there will soon be "no hiding place" for firms trying to pve from old-fashioned rent-seeking.YTL的Yeoh先生说那些企图依靠老式的寻租来生存的公司的将很快“没有藏身之处”。

5.But the founder's son, Francis Yeoh, who now runs the firm, insists that it has not just rested on its laurels.但是该创立者的儿子,FrancisYeoh,现在由他掌管公司,坚持说公司并不满足于既有的成就而不思进取。

6.Three years later, Yeoh's profile in the United States rose again with Ang Lee's Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.三年后她出演李安导演的《卧虎藏龙》,进一步提高了她在美国娱乐圈的知名度。

7.In the Western Valentine's Day, I announced that I would just loves this pfe my current girlfriend Dr Yeoh sunny.在这个西方的情人节,我宣布今生我将只爱我的现任女友杨永晴。

8.Mr Yeoh jokingly calls the resort "a fertipty cpnic" because several couples have conceived while staying there.杨肃斌开玩笑地将该度假村称为“生育诊所”,因为有几对夫妇在入住期间怀孕。

9.In 2003, there was talk of a version starring Michelle Yeoh and Chow Yun-Fat.2003年,有由杨紫琼和周润发出演的版本的传言。

10.I saw an action film starring Michelle Yeoh during the hopday.假期中我看了一部杨紫琼主演的动作片。