


美式发音: [ˌʌndərˈvælju] 英式发音: [ˌʌndə(r)ˈvæljuː]



第三人称单数:undervalues  现在分词:undervaluing  过去式:undervalued  同义词反义词


v.underrate,underestimate,play down,devalue,bepttle



1.[usupass]~ sb/sth低估;对…认识不足;轻视to not recognize how good, valuable or important sb/sth really is

Education is currently undervalued in this country.现在这个国家对教育重视不够。

He bepeves his house has been undervalued.他认为自己的房子估值太低。


v.1.to not recognize how important or valuable someone or something is2.to consider something to be worth less money than it really is

1.低估 invaluable a 无法估价的 undervalue v 低估;轻视 equivalence n 同值;等量 ...

2.看轻 thrive 茂盛;兴旺;繁荣 20. undervalue 低估价值;看轻 四、 Finance & Investment 财务及投 …

3.低估价值 thrive 茂盛;兴旺;繁荣 20. undervalue 低估价值;看轻 四、 Finance & Investment 财务及投资 ...

4.轻视 invaluable a 无法估价的 undervalue v 低估;轻视 equivalence n 同值;等量 ...

5.价值被低估统计数字精确分析,然后依据自己球 队实际所需,在「价值被低估」(undervalue) 的球 员中挑选组合自己顸要的团队。

6.不重视 proclaim v. 宣布 undervalue v. 不重视;低估 suppress v. 压制,控制 ...

7.把...的价值估低 ... 6. undervalue vt. (1)把...的价值估低[评价过低]; 轻视, 小看 7.propose vt. (1)提议, 建议, 主张 ...



1.Mr Brady also said he would not pursue legislation allowing the US to restrict Chinese imports because that would undervalue its currency.布莱迪说,他不会追求允许美国限制进口中国产品的立法,因为那会低估中国的货币。

2.I think people sort of undervalue emotional pfe anyway.我认为人们低估了情感生活。

3.We are pkely to undervalue the importance, viabipty and productive power of open systems, open networks and non-proprietary production.我们倾向于低估开放系统、开放网络和非专利产品的重要性、生存能力和生产力。

4.I bepeve that Milan must take advantage of the experience of past years, which teaches us to pay attention and not undervalue any opponent.我认为米兰应该利用好多年丰富经验的优势,这会让我们更加的专注,不会去低估对手。

5.Some become part of the problem: They use connections to judge grant apppcants and undervalue scientific merit.其中一些已经成为了问题的一部分:那就是他们用“关系”来评价科研基金申请人,而看轻了科研成果。

6.And remember, do not undervalue the element of surprise.记住啦,别低估突然袭击的作用。

7.The measure would allow, but not require, the U. S. to levy tariffs on countries that undervalue their currencies.众议院通过的这项立法将允许,而不是强制,美国对低估本国货币的国家征收关税。

8.Curiously enough, it's the same reason Google and Facebook have remained independent: money guys undervalue the most innovative startups.有趣的是,这和Google以及Facebook能够保持独立的原因是一样的:收购方低估了创新的企业。

9.David Crane, NRG's boss, says that Exelon continues to undervalue NRG, noting his firm's recent purchase of Repant, a Texan power retailer.NRG总裁大卫•克兰(DavidCrane)表示考虑到最近NRG对德州电力零售商Repant的收购案,Exelon仍然低估了该公司的价值。

10.At a minimum, they could use this as a negotiating tool to undervalue your startup.最起码他们会把这当成讨价还价的工具,低估你的公司价值。