


美式发音: [ˈɡleɪʃər] 英式发音: [ˈɡlæsiə(r)]






1.冰川a large mass of ice, formed by snow on mountains, that moves very slowly down a valley


n.1.a very large mass of ice that moves very slowly

1.冰川 冰碴儿〖 brokenice;thincoatingoficeonthewatersurface〗 冰川glacier〗 冰船〖 sled〗 ...

2.冰河 冰棍儿〖 popsicle;popsickle;ice-lolly〗 冰河glacier〗 冰壶秋月〖 chaste;pure〗 ...

3.冰川长音 ... Poly Pad 80( 多元长音80) ∏Glacier冰川长音) ∏Glass Pad( 玻璃 …

4.冰山 continental 大陆的 glacier 冰山 melt 融化 ...

5.冰河,冰川 iceberg 冰山 167. glacier 冰河,冰川 168. diamond 钻石 169. ...

6.冰河雪道都看不到树林,只有一整片白茫茫的雪原风光,雪场中间冰河雪道(Glacier)旁的雪道外区域,是我这趟滑雪行里最喜欢也是最 …


1.Finally we reached the glacier plateau, and a few minutes later we entered ABC. The circle had been closed.最后我们到达冰河台阶,几分钟后我们进入ABC营地。不用再回转了,一切都结束了!

2.Until February, it had been the tongue of the Mertz Glacier, sticking out from the East Antarctic ice sheet into the Southern Ocean.到二月,它已然成为了默茨冰川的突出部分,从东南极冰盖延伸入南大洋。

3.Only very old ice from a very deep glacier (the result of hundreds of thousands of years of compression) reflects pght as blue.只有来自极深冰川的古老冰块才能反射出蓝色,这是由于成千年的压力所致。

4.The ice was very wide and thick. It began to move down the mountain. It was pke a river of ice. It was a glacier.当冰变得更阔更厚的时候,就开始从山上滑落,像一条冰制的河,这就是冰川。

5.Fortunately for you, a couple of guides were coming down the glacier and saw you were in trouble. What were you doing?您很幸运,几个导游从冰川上下来,正巧发现您遇到了麻烦。您在那儿干什么?

6.In scientific circles it had been known for months that something was badly wrong with the glacier claim.冰川报告中存在严重的错误,这个事实已经在科学圈传播数月。

7.Up to Brig, the Rhone is a torrent, and then becomes a great mountain river running southwest through a glacier valley.罗纳河水流湍急,至布里格后,它变成了一条浩瀚的山区河流,流经西南地区的冰川。

8.The probes show that it doesn't have many craters, but seems to be covered with a smooth sheet of ice, a global glacier.探测船显示它上面的陨石坑不多,但表面似乎覆盖了一层平滑的冰。

9.The winter cold hung in the air pke a frozen dinosaur trying to thaw from his glacier and walk across the earth.冬天的寒冷在空气中纠缠不去,就象被冰冻的恐龙想要从冰河里解冻出来走到地上一样。

10.The new measurements will also help scientists track how much the glacier is melting from year to year.新的测量结果也将帮助科学家们追查每年有多少冰川融化掉。