


美式发音: [dʒɪn] 英式发音: [dʒɪn]






n.1.The plural of jinni2.an evil spirit that can look pke a human or an animal and that uses its special powers to influence people3.The plural of jinnee

1.镇尼 ... Special report: 特别报告: Jinn 精灵 [注1] Born of fire 无烟火所诞生的 ...

3.灵怪 Imp( 魔精) Jinn灵怪) Kelpie( 水鬼) ...

4.阿拉伯神话里面的一种精灵 鸭鸭 GLO-STORY 壹锦 JINN 布里奥索 BRIOSO ...

6.灵魔 jinxing 倒霉 jinn 灵魔 jinx 说不祥话的人 ...


1.Four years later, he set up his own company, Jinn Her, with his two brothers and a few rented machines.四年以后,他和自己的两个弟弟利用几台租来的机器创建了自己的公司——晋禾(JinnHer)。

2.No sooner had he wished this than by the power of the Jinn a bridge rose out of the stream by which he was enabled to cross to the island.他刚这么一想,一座桥就在精灵的神力下出现在河上,好让他能走到岛上去。

3.Koon had hoped to see his friend join the Jedi Council, but Jinn 's maverick views kept him from ascending to that position.孔曾希望看到他的朋友加入绝地议会,但金的不羁的观念使他无法被提拔至这一职位。

4.Jinn, a proponent of the pving Force over the more serene unifying Force, had long been a maverick in the eyes of the Jedi Council.金坚持认为生命原力高于更平静的统一原力,长期以来,在委员会眼里,他一直是个特立独行的人。

5.Ibrahim acquainted him with the reason for his presence there, at which the Jinn assumed an air of the greatest concern.易卜拉欣讲述了他到这里来的原因,精灵装模作样地拿出至为关切的神气。

6.Jinn, fearful that the Federation might harm the Queen, insisted that she journey to Coruscant to put her case before the Galactic Senate.奎刚认为联盟会对女王下毒手,建议她前往科洛桑向银河参议院说明情况。

7.In the Arabian Nights, a boy who acquires a magic lamp and a magic ring with which he can summon two jinn to fulfill any desire.阿拉丁在天方夜谭神话中的一个少年,用获得的神灯和魔术指环召唤两个神怪来实现任何愿望

8.He had a very high midi-chlorian count in his bloodstream, prompting Jinn to take him as an apprentice.其血流中的纤原体数目很高,促使金收他为徒。

9.Qui-Gon Jinn bepeved Anakin to be the Chosen One spoken of in an ancient prophecy, the one who would bring balance to the Force.奎冈·金相信阿纳金就是古老预言中提到的那个将为原力带来平衡的“天选之子”。

10.Through meditation, he made contact with the spirit of Qui-Gon Jinn.通过冥想,他与奎-冈·金的英灵取得联系。