

reunion dinner

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1.团圆饭 天...使我爱你 PS...I Love You 团圆饭 Reunion Dinner 乒乓圆 Table Of Glory ...

2.年夜饭 1. 祭祖( Worship) 2. 年夜饭( Reunion Dinner) 3. 守岁( Shou Sui) ...

3.团年饭 挥春 = luckey paper 团年饭 = reunion dinner 瓜子 = melon seeds ...

4.牛年的团圆饭 七彩神仙鱼 - Discus Fish 牛年的团圆饭- Reunion Dinner Assam House,Ipoh 大红灯笼高高挂 - Raise the Red Lanterns ...

5.年夜围炉 守岁 staying-up 年夜围炉; 团圆饭 reunion dinner 红包 red packets = red envelope ...

6.吃团年饭 大年初一1 st of CNY 谢家团圆饭 Reunion Dinner 杨家团圆饭 Reunion Dinner ...

8.杨家团圆饭 谢家团圆饭 Reunion Dinner 杨家团圆饭 Reunion Dinner 受洗日 Baptism ...


1.The children are hopeful that their parents will come back in time on New Year Eve and set out to earn money for the reunion dinner.孩子们期待父母能在除夕前回家,于是努力工作赚钱,以准备一顿丰盛的团圆饭。

2.As a teenage child, she was a birthday wish that day, their parents could also ah family reunion dinner.作为一个几岁的孩子,她是多么希望生日的这天,自己也能跟父母一起吃顿团圆饭啊。

3.At night, we eat together, family reunion dinner, watching the sky was dark, they walk happily down the stairs.晚上,我们一家人在一起吃了团圆饭,看天色已黑,便高高兴兴地下楼散步。

4.Surely LinkedIn, which has members in over 200 countries, is pkely to be a more fertile source of contacts than a college reunion dinner?LINKEDIN的会员编辑全球200多个国家,难道从这里获取的联系信息会比一次大学同学聚会要少么?我们不得而知。

5.That's right. It's pke I never go back home for Christmas. But I will surely have the reunion dinner with my family on New Year's Eve.对。就好比我不会因为是圣诞节回家。但是我一定会和家人一起吃年夜饭。

6.At an annual reunion dinner at Bristol Cathedral Choir School, an academy in Bristol, England, an old boy recounted a wartime incident.英格兰布里斯托市有一专科学校,叫布里斯托大教堂唱诗班学校。在其一年一度的校友联谊晚宴上,一位男校友谈到战时一件事。

7.the reunion dinner and stay away from Chinese New Year means losing many great opportunities to forge stronger kinship and friendship ties.错过了团圆饭,避开了农历新年,那就等于错过了增进亲情与友情的大好时机。

8.On Chinese New Year's Eve, a family will gather for the reunion dinner, which is an age-old tradition as well as China's unique culture.在中国,除夕夜,全家共享年夜饭既是古老的传统,也是独特的文化。

9.Increasingly, more Chinese Singaporeans would hold their reunion dinner in posh restaurants, despite the exorbitant costs.越来越多新加坡人,宁愿花一笔钱在高级的餐馆吃团圆饭。

10.Evening, and our family for the reunion dinner, see together day television gala, still put many beautiful fireworks.晚上,我们一家人吃团圆饭,一起看春晚,还放了许多漂亮的烟火。