




1.豪华野营 Do 聚会 Glamping 豪华野营 To Blow Your Own Trumpet 自吹自擂 ...


3.路营但是时下渐渐流行起另外一种更新颖的户外活动——路营Glamping),glamorous cmping 的简称,也叫豪华露营,它结合了 …


1.Here are a few of the most luxurious glamping experiences in the world.这里有数个世界上最豪华的“魅力露营”。

2.The recent glamping trend has taken the fun and adventure out of camping.近来出现的豪华露营潮流使露营的冒险乐趣荡然无存。

3.Twenty-first century glamping continues that spirit though some cases have achieved even greater levels of luxury.如今二十一世纪的豪华露营仍延续上述精神,但有些例子的奢华程度甚至犹胜以往。

4.You should try glamping. You get to spend time in the great outdoors but in a proper bed and with nice meals! It's wonderful!你应该尝试下豪华野营。你可以在室外活动但是有舒服的床和美味的食物。很棒的。

5.Glamping began when wealthy adventurers wanted to explore the world but refused to forgo the comforts of cozy beds and fine china.“魅力露营”起源于,那些富裕的探险家希望探险世界,而又拒绝放弃舒适温暖的床被和上好的瓷器。

6.Mr Macfarlane sighs at the mention of "glamping" .在提到“豪华露营”时,麦克法兰先生不禁叹息。

7.In the world of glamping, antique furniture, personal service and gourmet dining are fairly common.人们钟情于“魅力露营”的领域中,古旧家具,私人服务,美食等,大家都公平相待。

8.Want to experience glamping for yourself?想自己体验一下“魅力露营”吗?

9.Neil: Ah, well actually I cheated. I went glamping.事实上,我撒谎了,我去豪华野营了。

10.I know you're a city girl, but wouldn't you pke to try glamping?我知道你是个都市女孩,但是有没有想过去体验一下glamping呢?