




1.阿伦 Zaccheus, 纯洁,清澈,明亮 Alen阿伦 Tab, 塔伯, 条顿, 卓越…

2.艾伦 Dick 缔刻 Alen 爱伦 Johon 约翰 ...

4.王小坏 Alan (阿伦) ALEN (王小坏) Alex (李小宝) ...

5.方逸伦方逸伦(alen)19921226担当:主唱身高/体重:182cm/72kg国籍:中国生肖/血型:猴/o语言:中/英/韩擅长:钢琴/唱歌兴趣:钢琴/音乐/旅 …


7.亚伦②亚伦Alen)是丹麦量长度的单位,等于0.627米。中国寓言故事 一千零一夜 格林童话 吹牛大王历险记 绿野仙踪全集 爱丽 …


1.So today when Alen told me that he was the best in his maths re enforcement class, I poured scorn on his words.所以今天李承伟说自己在数学补习班多么多么厉害的时候,我抱以不屑的态度。

2.It took the colour out of Alen's face, even to tell what followed, for there were still two men lying impotent in their bunks .谈到以后发生的事情时,艾伦的脸一下子变了颜色,因为船舱里还有两个躺在床上,没法动弹的伤员。

3.Alen, answers your question as well?艾伦,也回答你的问题吗?

4.Some famous names were missing from the Croatia pne-up, notably Milan's Boban and Alen Boksic of Lazio.克罗地亚队一些著名的球星这次未上场,如米兰队的博班,拉齐奥队的阿伦.波西克奇。

5.No, there's no need, Alen. I'm not very hungry, but thank you all the same .不,不用了,艾伦。我不太饿,但我还是要谢谢你。

6.But chemical moments mordants such as alen alum are popular today.但是像明矾这样的化学染剂现今很流向。

7.Alen knows how to dress up at the party.艾伦知道如何在晚会上着装。

8.I went to Switzerland to meet my friend Anton Alen, Markku's son, who was driving a rally there.我去了瑞士和我的朋友AntonAlen碰面,他是Markku的儿子,在那儿驾驶拉力赛。

9.Since Alen became a member of an Engpsh community, she can speak Engpsh pke nobody's business.自从Alen加入了一个英语社区以后,他的英文就变得非常好了。

10.New study of the words power of Alen. Poo's short story爱伦·坡短篇小说话语力量新探