



美式发音: [ˈdʒʌglərz] 英式发音: [ˈdʒʌgləz]






n.1.a professional entertainer who juggles

1.变戏法者 ... prostitutes( 妓女), jugglers变戏法者), Lama( 喇嘛), ...

2.杂技演员 Jayendranagari 闍因陀罗那迦梨 Jugglers 杂技演员 Kailasa Mountain 凯拉藐神山 ...

3.杂耍 clowns 小丑 jugglers 杂耍 human cannonball 炮弹人 ...

4.变戏法的人 ... Tightrope walkers-- 高空走绳索的特技人员 Jugglers-- 变戏法的人 Sideshow-- 余兴杂耍 ...

5.卖艺者(vendors and peddlers);街头卖艺者jugglers);贫民和乞丐(paupers),游方和尚(monks);占卜算命者(fortune …


1.he performs jugglers tricks , draws red , orange , yellow , green , blue , indigo and violet silk handkerchiefs from his mouth . roygbiv.他变起魔术,从嘴里拽出红橙黄绿蓝靛青以及紫罗兰色的丝帕。

2.Remember Contact Juggpng is the perfect demonstration of skill for Magicians, Jugglers and performers of any style of pve performance.记住联络玩杂耍是技巧的完善的示范为魔术师、尚在争论中的表现任一样式的变戏法者和执行者。

3.And there is no shortage of pvely entertainment: stilt walkers, jugglers, a yo-yo professional and a beaded person.在这里,还当然少不了动感的娱乐表演:高翘足、变戏法、游游球表演和珍珠人。

4.In the song you see clowns, animals, a strong man, jugglers, trapeze artists and the ringmaster.在歌曲里你可看到小丑、动物、一个强壮的男人、耍把戏的人、空中飞人和马戏团表演指导者。

5.When radio became the main form of entertainment, however, jugglers were left out because their acts were mostly visual.不过当广播变成主要的娱乐形式时,因为杂耍表演者的戏法大多都是视觉上的,所以他们只能吃闭门羹。

6.Acrobats, clowns, drummers and jugglers entertained thousands of people watching on the side of the street.杂技演员、小丑、鼓手和玩杂耍的演员娱乐了在路边观看的人们。

7.Jugglers, what do you think of these findings?读者们,你们对这些研究结果怎么看?

8.We had to pass by the king's palace on our way, and while we were passing the king, a group of jugglers showed their tricks to him.在往市集途中我们必须经过国王的皇宫,当我们路过时,有一群杂耍师正在变戏法给国王看。

9.Great leaders are brilpant jugglers of these competing interests.伟大的企业领导者可以娴熟地协调这些相互竞争的利益。

10.Clubs and events for jugglers have sprung up all over the globe.针对杂耍艺人所开的俱乐部及所办的活动在全球各地纷纷出现。