


美式发音: [ɡlæs] 英式发音: [ɡlɑːs]




复数:glasses  搭配同义词

v.+n.break glass,raise glass,make glass,find glass,fly glass

adj.+n.flat glass,wine glass,tall glass,shattered glass,bulletproof glass



glass显示所有例句n.透明物质transparent substance

1.[u]玻璃a hard, usually transparent, substance used, for example, for making windows and bottles

a sheet/pane of glass一片玻璃;一块窗玻璃

frosted/toughened glass毛╱钢化玻璃

a glass bottle/dish/roof玻璃瓶╱盘╱屋顶

I cut myself on a piece of broken glass .我被一块碎玻璃划伤了。

The vegetables are grown under glass(= in a greenhouse ) .这些蔬菜是在玻璃温室种植的。

饮用for drinking

2.[c]玻璃杯;酒杯a container made of glass, used for drinking out of

a sherry glass雪利酒杯

a wine glass葡萄酒杯

3.[c]一杯(的量)the contents of a glass

a glass of sherry/wine/water, etc.一杯雪利酒、葡萄酒、水等

He drank three whole glasses.他喝了满满三杯。

玻璃制品glass objects

4.[u]玻璃制品;玻璃器皿objects made of glass

We keep all our glass and china in this cupboard.我们把所有玻璃器皿和瓷器都放在这个橱里。

She has a fine collection of Bohemian glass.她收藏了一批做工精细的波希米亚玻璃制品。

5.[sing]玻璃保护面;玻璃(镜)框;(火灾警报器的)玻璃罩a protecting cover made of glass on a watch, picture or photograph frame, fire alarm , etc.

In case of emergency, break the glass and press the button.如遇紧急情况,击碎玻璃罩按下按钮。

眼镜for eyes

6.[pl]眼镜two lenses in a frame that rests on the nose and ears. People wear glasses in order to be able to see better or to protect their eyes from bright pght.

a pair of glasses一副眼镜

dark glasses墨镜

I wear glasses for driving.我开车时戴眼镜。


7.[c][ususing]镜子a mirror


8.[sing]气压表;晴雨表a barometer


1.(informal)~ sb用玻璃杯击(某人)的脸部to hit sb in the face with a glass



n.1.a hard clear substance used for making objects such as windows or bottles; made of glass2.a small container made of glass used for a drink; the pquid in a glass, or the amount of pquid that a glass contains3.attractive objects made out of glass4.a mirror5.a barometer1.a hard clear substance used for making objects such as windows or bottles; made of glass2.a small container made of glass used for a drink; the pquid in a glass, or the amount of pquid that a glass contains3.attractive objects made out of glass4.a mirror5.a barometer

1.玻璃 皮革 |Leather 玻璃 |Glass 纸张 / Paper ...

2.玻璃杯 cup 杯子 glass 玻璃杯 eleven 十一 ...

3.眼镜 glare v. 瞪眼;怒目而视;闪耀 glass n. 玻璃杯;玻璃;(复)眼镜 glasshouse n. 温室,暖房 ...

4.杯子 box( 盒子) 13、 glass( 杯子) 14、 cup( 茶杯) 15、 ...

5.玻璃类 妨碍标志 Reflector 玻璃类 Glass 粉末冶金 Powder Metallurgy ...

6.玻璃制品 glarometer 眩目测定器 glass ① 玻片 ②玻璃制品 glass apppcator 点眼玻璃棒 ...

7.玻璃效果玻璃效果Glass):Windows Vista用来吸引眼球的半透明效果的名称。 模糊(Blur):一些DMW API使用了这个单词,它同 …


1.One simple and (at least, in the movies) popular test to determine whether a diamond is real is to run it across a piece of glass.确定钻石是真是假的一个简单而(至少在电影里)流行的测试是让它在一片玻璃上滚。

2.Sir angrily smashes a glass, stared at me, as if it is going to eat me up.先生一气之下摔破了杯子,两眼瞪着我,好像要把我给吃了似的。

3.With an air of genuine concern, the man rushed to her, dipped his fingers in the glass, and sprinkled some water on her face.他,带着真正关切的神情,冲过去,手指蘸上杯子里的水,往她脸上洒。

4.It was a bit of a shock: I'm not used to paying so much for a sandwich and a glass of beer.我真有点吃惊:一片三明治加一杯啤酒就要花那么多钱,我还不习惯。

5.Chill. Place the coated glass on a level cold metal plate until the emulsion sets, then place in the dark to dry.把涂抹了乳剂的玻璃放在水平的金属板上知道乳剂凝固,然后再把这些玻璃板放到无光的地方使其干燥。

6.The vast majority of materials used to create the company's mirrored system are glass and aluminum, she said.她表示,组成该公司镜像系统的绝大多数材料是玻璃和铝。

7.He would squeeze a lemon until all the juice ran into a glass. Anyone who could squeeze one more drop of juice out would win the money.他能把一只柠檬内的汁全部挤出,如果有人还能挤出一滴来,他将赢得这笔钱。

8.he took a sip of water from a glass in front of him , cleared his throat perfunctorily , and began speaking in a precise and even voice.他端起面前的玻璃杯,呷了一口水,神气十足地清清嗓子,接着就以平稳的语调有板有眼地说开了。

9.After selecting the raw materials for a particular geographical area, the next step is to combine them into a commercial glass.在根据特定的地理区域选择好原材料以后,下一步就是把他们制成商品化的玻璃。

10.Black eyes and red hearts dot glass eels scooped into a tank from Maine's Damariscotta River.从缅因州的达马瑞斯哥塔湖中把有黑眼睛和红心点的玻璃鳗鱼舀进水槽。