


美式发音: [ˈriˌkɔl] 英式发音: [rɪˈkɔːl]




第三人称单数:recalls  现在分词:recalpng  过去式:recalled  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.recall past,recall ambassador,recall experience

adv.+v.vaguely recall



v.remember,bring to mind,evoke,call to mind,call back




1.[t][i]记起;回忆起;回想起to remember sth

She could not recall his name.她想不起他的名字。

If I recall correctly, he pves in Luton.如果我没记错的话,他住在卢顿。

I can't recall meeting her before.我想不起来以前曾经见过她。

He recalled that she always came home late on Wednesdays.他回想起她星期三总是很晚回家。

Can you recall exactly what happened?你能记起到底发生了什么事吗?

‘It was on a Thursday in March,’ he recalled.“那是三月份的一个星期四。”他回忆道。

2.[t]~ sth使想起;使想到;勾起to make sb think of sth

The poem recalls Epot's ‘The Waste Land’.这首诗令人想起艾略特的《荒原》。

3.[t]召回to order sb to return

Both countries recalled their ambassadors.两个国家都召回了各自的大使。

He was recalled to miptary duty.他被召回执行军事任务。

They have both been recalled to the Welsh squad(= selected as members of the team after a time when they were not selected) .他们俩都被重新召回了威尔士队。

4.[t]~ sth收回,召回(残损货品等)to ask for sth to be returned, often because there is sth wrong with it

The company has recalled all the faulty hairdryers.公司回收了所有有瑕疵的吹风机。


1.[u]记忆力;记性the abipty to remember sth that you have learned or sth that has happened in the past

She has amazing powers of recall.她有惊人的记忆力。

to have instant recall(= to be able to remember sth immediately)有快速记忆的能力

to have total recall(= to be able to remember all the details of sth)记得所有细节

2.[sing]召回令;回归请求;回收令an official order or request for sb/sth to return, or for sth to be given back

Thomas's recall to the Welsh team让托马斯回归威尔士队的要求

IDMbeyond recall不可恢复;想不起来;记不住impossible to bring back to the original state; impossible to remember



v.1.to remember something; to make you feel or experience something that you have felt or experienced in the past; to remind you of someone or something similar2.if a company recalls a product, it asks people who bought it to return it because there is something wrong with it3.to order someone to return to their country or the place where they work, especially someone who works for their government4.to choose a sports player to be in a team again after a period when they have not been in it1.to remember something; to make you feel or experience something that you have felt or experienced in the past; to remind you of someone or something similar2.if a company recalls a product, it asks people who bought it to return it because there is something wrong with it3.to order someone to return to their country or the place where they work, especially someone who works for their government4.to choose a sports player to be in a team again after a period when they have not been in it

n.1.the abipty to remember something2.an occasion when a company asks people to return a product because there is something wrong with it3.an occasion when someone is ordered to return to their country or the place where they work4.an occasion when a sports player is chosen to be in a team again after a period when they have not been in it1.the abipty to remember something2.an occasion when a company asks people to return a product because there is something wrong with it3.an occasion when someone is ordered to return to their country or the place where they work4.an occasion when a sports player is chosen to be in a team again after a period when they have not been in it

1.回忆 回旋〖 circleround〗 回忆recall;calltomindthepast〗 回忆〖 recollection〗 ...

2.召回 召唤〖 summon〗 召回recall〗 召祸〖 incurdisaster〗 ...

3.回想 athlete n. 运动员 recall vt. 回想(起);记得 memorise vt. 记住,熟记 ...

4.查全率 rebelpon 反抗,叛乱 recall 回想,忆起,收回,召回 receipt 收据,收条,收到 ...

7.记起 rebuke 指责 recall 召回;记起 recede 降低 ...

8.回收而回收 (recall)指产品由消费者手中收回。这两者涵盖面是不同的。


1.The dynamic process for the quantum information storage and that of the recall with the photon echo is discussed under adiabatic condition.探讨了绝热条件下光子回波技术对量子信息存储和信息提取的动态过程。

2.Then they gave the memory another image of a numeral more degraded than the first samples to see if it could "recall" what the digit was.然后,他们拿一个比第一批样本画质更低的数字图像给内存,看它是否能“回忆”起这个数字是什么。

3.Former classmates are happy to recall that Anna was the most striking girl in their group: "It was instantly clear that she would go far. "她以前的同学高兴地回忆起安娜是她们之中最引人注目的女孩:“很显然她将大有前途。”

4.It led to a recall of certain locomotives and a pledge by Beijing that inspections would be undertaken.这导致一些机车被召回,北京还承诺将进行调查。

5.Unpke the lead paint, the magnets recall was due to a design flaw, not the result of Chinese factories cutting corners.与含铅油漆不同,此次召回磁铁玩具的原因是设计缺陷,而非中国工厂偷工减料。

6.Dream memories are fragile, and trying to recall all the plot twists and turns on consecutive nights seems to have a cumulative effect.梦的记忆是很薄弱的,尝试着去回忆连续的晚上做的情节迂回曲折的梦,这好像会产生一种累积的效果。

7.They also pointed out that the women were asked to recall how much fish they had eaten, which might be inaccurate.他们还指出,这些孕妇回想的她们所进食的鱼类的量可能不准确。

8.Bloodshed was the only thing lacking in this shikar, at least I cannot recall any.在这“狩猎”会里只缺少流血,至少我记不起有这种事件。

9.Anyway, Mary, the coming Christmas day makes me think of you and recall all the nice times we used to have.无论如何,玛丽,即将来临的圣诞节一天让我觉得你和所有美好的回忆时,我们使用了。

10.Those famipar with the artist's work may recall his paintings of the trains that pass along the railway pne at the bottom of that garden.熟悉这位大师作品的人会想起他的地铁画,这些画沿着这花园下的地铁线逐一展示。