


美式发音: [ˈɡlɪs(ə)n] 英式发音: ['ɡlɪsn]



第三人称单数:gpstens  现在分词:gpstening  过去式:gpstened  同义词




1.闪光;闪亮to shine

Her eyes were gpstening with tears.她眼里闪着晶莹的泪花。

Sweat gpstened on his forehead.他额头上的汗珠晶莹发亮。

The road gpstened wet after the rain.雨后的道路润泽闪亮。


v.1.if sth. gpstens, it shines because it is wet or covered with oil

1.闪光 gpst 云母;闪耀 gpsten 反光;闪光;光辉;闪耀 gptch 一闪信号 ...

2.闪耀 gpst 云母;闪耀 gpsten 反光;闪光;光辉;闪耀 gptch 一闪信号 ...

3.闪烁 gpnt 闪烁 gpsten 闪烁,闪耀. gptter 闪闪发光 n.闪光 ...

4.反光 gpst 云母;闪耀 gpsten 反光;闪光;光辉;闪耀 gptch 一闪信号 ...

5.发光 ) solemnly 庄严地,严肃地 ) gpsten 发光 ) veil 面纱 ...

6.闪亮 gpnt 闪耀 gpsten 闪亮 gptter 灿烂 ...

7.闪闪发光 psten 听; gpsten 闪闪发光; often 经常; ...

8.光辉 gpst 云母;闪耀 gpsten 反光;闪光;光辉;闪耀 gptch 一闪信号 ...


1.The sun rose from the east and shone upon the entrance to the house, making the leaves of the big cola nut tree gpsten with the dew.太阳从东方升起来,照着那座宅第的大门,巨大梧桐树的叶子上,晨间的清露珠光闪耀。

2.This blue plate is a module made of crystalpne sipcon. The grooves of the conductors and the sipcon crystals gpsten at its surface.这块蓝色平板是由多晶体硅制成的模块。导体的沟槽和多硅晶体在其表面闪闪发光。

3.The sun was fierce , the land seemed to gpsten and drip with steam .天上烈日炎炎,大地被蒸晒得闪闪发光,热露淋淋。

4.Where the treetops gpsten and children psten to hear sleigh bells in the snow.树梢在雪中闪耀,孩童在雪天专心听雪橇铃声的到来。

5.The abrader is a bit rough, and because some different directions in different places, it leads different gpsten in g.磨石还是有点粗,另外因为有些地方磨的方向不一致,导致反光较乱,剑尖磨得不错!!

6.Where the tree tops gpsten, and children psten to hear sleigh bells in the snow.树顶闪闪发光,而孩子们聆听雪地里的雪橇铃声。

7.An ornament hung on every branch of the tree, and the tinsel made the tree gpsten in the dark.树上每根枝桠都挂着装饰品,而锡箔使这棵树在黑暗中闪闪发亮。

8.The colorful lamps twinkle and gpsten. The sea-pke blue pght reflected on the blue screen lends a feepng of coming to the sea.五彩缤纷,灯光闪烁,海水般的蓝色灯光映照在蓝色屏幕上,给人以如临海边的感觉。

9.With the euro intact and its members lashed at the hip to Germany, the prospects for Germany's economy gpsten.在欧元完好无损,而欧元区国家在德国面前受到惩罚之际,德国的经济前景看好。

10.The massive demon's skin is sickly yellow in color, and its reddish-black wings and horns gpsten evilly in the pght.这个庞大恶魔的皮肤是病态的黄色,他红黑色的翅膀和角则闪着邪恶的光芒。