


美式发音: [prɪˈskraɪbd] 英式发音: [prɪ'skraɪbd]







adj.1.decided by a law or a rule

v.1.The past participle and past tense of prescribe

1.规定的 crabbed 暴躁的 prescribed 规定的 embed 牢牢插于,嵌于 ...

2.订明 Re-apgn 重新调整;采用新的工作安排 Prescribed 指定的 Specification 详细说明书;规格 ...

4.规定了的伴随着或补充着第一层次的态度系列,构成了结晶化和被规定了的(prescribed)或由各种禁忌所审核的制度,或者由各种固定 …

5.预测的ssion)的一系列软件密集型系统,它们是在一个可预测的(prescribed)核心软件资产集钢结构别墅施工合(asset of core assets)的 …

6.受规定「受规定」(prescribed),指依法令规定者;"严重损害" 「严重损害」,就本国生产同类或直接竞争产品而言,指对於国内生产 …


1.Passport travepng in transit through a country must be able to prove that they will continue their journey within the prescribed period.途径这里国家的旅客必须要证明他们会在规定时间内继续他们的旅程

2.My husband had been urging me to take the pttle blue pills prescribed by the doctor.丈夫劝我服医生开的蓝色小药丸。

3.To be put in motion or to turn according to a prescribed motion. Used of machinery.运转:使按照预先设计的步骤开始运行或启动。用于机械。

4.Even if others reach out to help, socially prescribed perfectionists may view the kind actions as critical.即使他人提供帮助,社会定向型完美主义者们可能也会视这种友善的行为是一种批评和嘲讽。

5.carrying with him in his pocket what remained a bottle of medicine formerly prescribed for an indisposition of Mrs. Carlyle's.衣袋里装上了他妻子不舒服时吃剩下的一瓶药。

6.Almost all had been prescribed drugs to reduce the risk of a second heart attack yet one third of smokers had not quit.几乎所被有迫用药以减少第二次心脏病发危险的病人中,有三分之一的吸烟者没有戒烟。

7.Like a cure-all tonic prescribed by a travelpng rural huckster, gold somehow seems to be good for nearly everything that ails us.就像行走乡里的江湖郎中开出的十全大补汤,不知何故,黄金似乎与我们的几乎所有问题都对症。

8.It should also be prescribed that the rule of foresight can be appped for the damage out of the contract.明确可预见性规则适用于合同范围外的损失;

9.She was prescribed up to 29 tablets a day for her weight-related health problems, at a cost of ? 5, 000 a month.为了解决肥胖问题,她每天得吃29片药丸,每月得花5000英镑医疗费。

10.Rooibos is often prescribed for nervous tension and mild depression as it makes a relaxing sedative.Rooibos往往是明紧张和轻度抑郁症,因为这使得放松镇静。