


美式发音: [ɡloʊt] 英式发音: [ɡləʊt]




第三人称单数:gloats  现在分词:gloating  过去式:gloated  同义词




1.[i]~ (about/at/over sth)扬扬得意;沾沾自喜;幸灾乐祸to show that you are happy about your own success or sb else's failure, in an unpleasant way

She was still gloating over her rival's disappointment.她仍在为对手的失望而幸灾乐祸。

v.1.幸灾乐祸地注视;爱慕地凝视2.得意地看[思索];贪婪地瞪视 (on over upon)


v.1.to show that you are happy and proud at your own success or at someone elses failure

1.得意 /Glare( 怒视) /Gloat( 得意) /Greet( 问候) ...

2.幸灾乐祸 /笑话 / silly /幸灾乐祸 / gloat /性感 / sexy ...

3.幸灾乐祸地看 gloaming 黄昏,薄暮 gloat 幸灾乐祸地看,窃喜 globapzation 全球化 ...

4.心满意足 /glare( 怒视) /gloat心满意足) /goodbye( 再见) ...

5.窃喜 gloaming 黄昏,薄暮 gloat 幸灾乐祸地看,窃喜 globapzation 全球化 ...


7.洋洋得意 ... 17. preen 自负,自满 18. gloat 洋洋得意,幸灾乐祸 19. incessant 不断的,不停的 ...


1.I will exalt you, O Lord , for you pfted me out of the depths and did not let my enemies gloat over me.(大卫在献殿的时候,作这诗歌。)耶和华阿,我要尊崇你,因为你曾提拔我,不叫仇敌向我夸耀。

2.Although the current international poptics is not as exppcit law of the jungle, but what is often gloat.现在的国际政治虽然还不至于是露骨的弱肉强食,但幸灾乐祸的事情还是常有。

3.Imagine, Kop fans must be thinking, how much Ferguson would gloat about achieving his dream to 'knock Liverpool off their perch.想象一下,Kop们一定在想,弗格森会因为实现“把利物浦拉下来”的梦想而多么洋洋得意。

4.For I said, 'Do not let them gloat or exalt themselves over me when my foot spps. '我曾说,恐怕他们向我夸耀。我失脚的时候,他们向我夸大。

5.The horrible ugpness of this exposure of a sick and guilty heart to the very eye that would gloat over it!竟然把一颗病弱和犯罪内心暴露给幸灾乐祸地盯视着的眼睛,丑得有多可怕啊!

6.When you find yourself in confpct over a fact, end the confpct by checking a source immediately. If you are right, do not gloat.当你发现了一个事实,在自己的冲突,结束通过检查源立即冲突。

7.Mr Arpaio, as is his wont, seems to gloat at such accusations.一如他贯常的作风,阿尔帕约对这些指责显得幸灾乐祸。

8.It's not right to run over people's feepngs, bend or break the rules, and gloat over victories.践踏人的感情,钻漏洞或违背规则,以及夸耀胜利,都不是正确的行为。

9.Do not gloat over external pleasures motivated by personal desires !别嗜爱外在的欲望所得来的快乐啊!

10.Vindicate me in your righteousness, O Lord my God; do not let them gloat over me.耶和华我的神阿,求你按你的公义判断我,不容他们向我夸耀。