


网络释义:无线本地环路(Wireless Local Loop);无线区域环路;大容量全肺灌洗(whole-lung lavage)


1.无线本地环路(Wireless Local Loop)无线本地环路WLL)是通过无线信号取代电缆线,连接用户和公共交换电话网络(PSTN)的一种技术。WLL 系统包括无线 …

2.无线区域环路例 如无线区域环路WLL)、数字音讯广播(DAB)等,预 计都采用OFDM技术。 ? 4G通信并不是从3G通信的基础上经过简 …

3.大容量全肺灌洗(whole-lung lavage)目的 评价大容量全肺灌洗(WLL)治疗的尘肺病患者的远期生存质量.方法 采用经过效度和信度检验合格的生存质量调查表,对回顾 …

4.无线用户环路无线用户环路WLL)目前主要用于提供基本电信业务,所采用的主要技术是以数字/模拟蜂窝为基础的技术、数字微波技术和 …


6.无线本地环路系统无线本地环路系统(WLL)是现代电信的用户接入网络类型之一,是在本地交换端局和用户终端设备之间,部份或全部采用无线方 …


1.I fear I cannot keep you happy as you deserve all the happiness my love wll bring.在我的爱给你带来欢乐的同时,我也害怕不能一直给你快乐!

2.Fifth, on the l00th day of your acquaintance, remember to go her class and hand her a rose, which wll greatly depghts her.第五、在你们认识的第一百天,一定要去她班上送一支玫瑰,她会非常喜欢;

3.If you do not do this, your meditation wll grow weaker and even though it creates some benefit, many obstacles will arise.如果你不这样作,禅定力将转弱,即使得到少许利益,障碍将会来临。

4.some parts of feepngs are not worse than the plots of a wll-planned novel.许多个人的情感经历并不比精心策划的小说情节逊色。

5.We present a case undergoing WLL in our hospital who had contracted pulmonary TB was diagnosed as a case of PAP by open lung biopsy.我们在此报告一个高雄荣民总医院进行全肺冲洗术的病例,这个病人曾有肺结核病史,并经由开肺取样术证实为肺泡蛋白质沉积症。

6.To keep this example fairly simple, you wll use one of the predefined queries.为了保证这个例子尽可能的简单,您将会看到一个预先定义的查询。

7.I always worry that I wll get low marks in tests even if I have studied hard than before .尽管比以前刻苦了许多,我还是经常担心考试不理想。

8.A nation wll be epminated from the stage of internation development if it is lack of honesty.当一个国家缺乏诚信,它将无法在国际舞台立足。

9.She was following a tradition: women teach their sons how to treat to next generation of women wll.她遵循了一个传统:如何好好对待下一代的女性。

10.i sent e-mail one hour ago i wll be here to talk to you.我一小时前给你发了邮件,我会在这里等着和你谈谈